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Key Concepts in Islamic Sprituality (4)
Humbleness(2) Reflecting on his life, one can see in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HF) the perfect example of humbleness.
Key Concepts in Islamic Spirituality (3)
Humbleness Another key concept in Islamic spirituality is ultimate humbleness or spiritual poverty.
Key Concepts in Islamic Spirituality (2)
Thankfulness The virtue of thankfulness is very much related to love for Allah (SWT). If you are thankful you will certainly love Allah because of all His favours and if you love Allah you will believe in Him and obey him. Thus, thankfulness is the core of imān (faith).
Key Concepts in Islamic Spirituality (1)
Love, thankfulness and humbleness are three very important or perhaps even the most important concepts in Islamic spirituality. In this paper, they will be discussed briefly. These three concepts are chosen not only because they are theoretically important, but also because they are practically rewarding. If we want to grow spiritually, we can easily do this by developing these qualities in our lives.
Nearness to Allah 2
Allah’s (awj) nearness to things In regards to the nearness of Allah (awj) to things, the verses of the Qur`an can be divided into four categories.
Nearness to Allah 1
Question: What is nearness to Allah (awj)? How many different kinds of nearness are there? How can we gain nearness to Allah (awj)? In lexicographical terms, “qurb” means the nearness of one thing to another. This can be in space or time. Because of this it is said that something from a spatial point of view is near another thing. Or it is said that yesterday is, from a temporal point of view, closer to today than two days before yesterday. In another common usage, “qurb” means being the centre of attention of someone and to hold a special place near them.
Reflections on the Munajat of Imam Ali in the Mosque of Kufa 2
وَاَسْاَلُكَ الاْمانَ يَوْمَ لا يَنْفَعُ الظّالِمينَ مَعْذِرَتُهُمْ وَلَهُمُ اللَّعْنَةُ وَلَهُمْ سُوءُ الدّارِ، And I ask You for protection on the day when the unjust shall not benefit from their excuse and for them is curse and for them is the evil abode.
Reflections on the Munajat of Imam Ali in the Mosque of Kufa 1
This Munajat ("whisper prayer") is very similar to a monologue, recited by Imam Ali (a) addressing God. The Imam (a) highlights and emphasizes that God is the only one who can bestow on us mercy, as He is the Creator, the Infinite, and the Great, whilst we are the created, the finite, and the lowly. It is a very moving and heart- trembling supplication.
Du’a (Supplication) in a Glance 2
Despair; the state of the disbeliever The supplicant should be aware that it is Almighty God who has invited him to pray and has guaranteed the acceptance of the supplication. Accepting the prayer and granting the supplicant’s exigency is easy for Allah, since each and every world’s creature is under His Absolute Power, and He provides the grounds for the fulfillment of His servant’s exigency with a single order.
Du’a (Supplication) in a Glance 1
Du’a’ is the expression of deprivation to the One. Du’a’ is the pronunciation of poverty to the Eternal Absolute. Du’a’ is seeking assistance of the powerless from the All-Powerful. Du’a’ is the demonstration of humility to the Omnipotent. Du’a’ is loved by the Almighty, and is dear to the mystic and the miserable.