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Reflections on the Supplication of Kumayl 3
A General Look at Other Concepts in Du'a Kumayl In part of this du'a, we read: اللهم مولاي كم من قبيح سترته وكم من فادح من البلاء أقلته وكم من عثار وقيته وكم من مكروه دفعته وكم من ثناء جميل لست أهلاً له نشرته
Reflections on the Supplication of Kumayl 2
Divine Punishments Imam 'Ali (a) then continues: فباليقين أقطع لولا ما حكمت به من تعذيب جاحديك وقضيت به من إخلاد معانديك لجعلت النار كلها برداً وسلاما وما كان لأحد فيها مقراً ولا مقاما لكنك تقدست أسماؤك أقسمت أن تملأها من الكافرين من الجنة والناس أجمعين وان تخلد فيها المعاندين.
Reflections on the Supplication of Kumayl 1
According to Allamah Majlsi, Du'a Kumayl is the best du'a. This du'a, narrated from the prophet Khidr (a), has been taught by Imam Ali (a) to a prominent companion of his named Kumayl ibn Ziyad Al- Nakha'i. Although apparently prophet Khidr (a) is the one who initially composed this du'a, it can be claimed that because he is still alive and is with the Hujjah of every age and era, he may indeed have been inspired by Imam 'Ali (a).
The Holy Prophet Muhammad Al Mustafa (S.A)’ Ziyarat
The Holy grave of the Holy Prophet is inside the "Masjidun Nabawwi", in Medina Munawwarah.
Reflections on Munajat Sha'baniyyah (1)
Sha’ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar, is considered the month of Allah’s mercy and pleasure.
Reflections on Munajat Sha'baniyyah (2)
Allah knows us extremely well. At times, it may take a person hours or even days to reflect and identify what is going on in his heart
Reflections on Munajat Sha'baniyyah (3)
Some people have managed to perform good, and in return Allah gives them His mercy
Imam Sajjd's Supplication in Bidding Farewell to the Month of Ramadan
O God, O He who desires no repayment!
Imam Sajjd's supplication (A.S) for the Coming of the Month of Ramadan
Praise belongs to ALLAH who guided us to His praise and placed us among the people of praise, that we might be among the thankful for His beneficence and that He might recompense us for that with the recompense of the good-doers!
Dua Iftar
Iftar, refers to the evening meal for breaking the daily fast during the Islamic month of Ramadan