We express our felicitations on the advent of 9th of Rabee in the Islamic calendar, which marks the starting date of Imamate and Wilayat [Guardianship] of the very last successor of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Hujjat ibn al-Hassan, Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), to all the followers of the Infallible Imams, and devotees of the Immaculate Ahl-ul-Bayt (as) of the Holy Prophet of Islam (as).
The sole cause for the survival and continued existence of Shiah in today world is nothing but turning our entire attentions to His Holiness and devoting our souls at the threshold of his sanctuary.
Today, there is a broad consensus within all divine religions and their leaders on the point that they are all together awaiting a universal savior. In the dark atmosphere of today world that the savage nature of a group of individuals is much evident, there is no other way for salvation and deliverance of humankind but pinning hope on the reappearance of the Perfect Vicegerent of God on the earth.