Thursday, April 12, 2018 10:41:51 AM
Chicken Recipe with Onion Soup Mixture

If you like chicken soup, we suggest you to try this one.


1/4 Cup

1 lb (454g) Chicken Breast Onion Soup Mix

1 Onion

1/4 Cup Olive Oil

1/4 Cup White Wine Vinegar

1/2 Tsp Turmeric Preprations: 1- Slice the onion.


1- Combine onion soup mix, onions, olive oil, white wine vinegar, and turmeric in large bowl. 2- Add the chicken breast to the bowl and cover with the mixture. 3- Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap. Marinate in refrigerator for 2 hours. 4- Transfer the ingredients into a pot 5- Stir in 1/4 cup of water. Cover the pot and cook for 35 to 40 minutes or until well cooked over medium-low heat.

Chicken Recipe with Onion Soup Mixture CALORIES & NUTRITION VALUES

Easy, quick, and delicious chicken recipe using onion soup mix. One serving (serving size 10) has 109 calories, 6.2g total fat (0.7g saturated fat), 29mg cholesterol, 252mg sodium, 212mg potassium, 9mg calcium, 3g total carbohydrates (0.5g dietary fiber, 0.6g total sugars), and 10g protein.                

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