Tuesday, December 26, 2017 9:35:28 PM

Praise be to God -- and praise is His due, as He deserves it -- abundant praise.

I betake me to Him for refuge from mischief of Satan who adds sin to my sin; and I guard myself through Him from every wicked tyrant, oppressive king and over-powering enemy.

O Lord let me be of Thy force; for verily Thy forces -- they are victorious and let my be of Thy band, for verily Thy band they are happy; and make me one of Thy friends, for surely Thy friends have no fear, nor shall they be sorry.

O Lord reform my faith for me, for verily it is the safeguard of my affairs and make easy for me my hereafter, for certainly it will be my place of rest, and to it will I retire from the company of the wicked.

And let my life be an enhancement of every good to me, and my death a comfort to me from every evil.

O Lord bless Muhammad, the Last of the Prophets, the one who concluded the number of the sent ones, and his Aal (family), the pure, the holy; and his chosen companions; and in this third day of the week, grant me three things, viz.: leave me no sin unforgiven and no sorrow unremoved and no enemy unvanquished by Thee.

With the name of Allah, the best of the names; with the name of Allah, the Lord of the earth and the heaven, I drive away every evil, the first of which is His displeasure; and desire to achieve every good, the foremost of which is His approval. Therefore let my existence end in Thy pardon, O Lord of Benevolence!

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