Saturday, April 21, 2018 3:09:21 PM
Rules of Minors and the Retarded

Criterion for Age of Discrimination A discriminating child is the child who can differentiate between good and bad as perceived by common people and in this regard the life conditions of the child and local customs and traditions should be taken into consideration. As for the age of discrimination, it varies from one person to another, especially, in terms of talent, discernment, and intelligence.

Religious Duty of a Backward Person    
The criterion for religious duties becoming obligatory upon any person is their shar‘ī puberty, in addition to being recognized by common people as a sane person. The varying levels of intelligence and comprehension are not a criterion and have no bearing whatsoever on this matter.

The Signs of Puberty
The signs of puberty are as follows:
1- Growth of coarse hair on pubic area
2- Discharge of semen
3- Completion of 15 lunar years (which approximates 14 solar years, 6 months and 17 days) for boy, and 9 lunar years (which approximates 8 solar years, 8 months and 22 days) for a girl.

Custody /Guardianship of a Minor Orphan
The paternal grandfather has the right of shar‘ī guardianship of the minor orphans and their properties. The mother has the right of their custody. 
To Use a Child's Property
It is permissible for the guardian of a child to do, with the clothes or things like toys gifted to a child, what he deems fit, taking into consideration the child’s interest and welfare.

To Use a Child's Property
It is permissible for the guardian of a child to do, with the clothes or things like toys gifted to a child, what he deems fit, taking into consideration the child’s interest and welfare.

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