To Look at a Non-maḥram Woman
It is impermissible to look at a non-maḥram woman except for her face and hands up to wrists provided that they are unadorned and looking is without lustful and ill intentions.
To Look at a Non-maḥram Man
A woman may look at — without lustful or ill intentions — men’s head, face, neck and arms up to the places that they usually uncover.
Hijab in front of a Discriminating Child
If a discriminating child has reached a level that his looking at a girl or vice versa leads to lustful excitement, she should cover her body and not look at his body.
To Look at a Non-maḥram Picture
To watch a movie or look at a non-maḥram picture for lust and ill intentions is ḥarām. Should looking / watching be without lustful intention, one does not know her and doing so does not lead to vile consequences, it is no problem.
To Look at Her Beauties for Marriage
A person, who wants to marry a woman and for getting informed about her, is allowed to look at her face, hands, hair and beauties without lustful intention even though lust would unwillingly happen provided that he has no previous information about her and does not know that they will reject his proposal.
To Watch Nude Films
Generally speaking, watching moving pictures and photographs does have not the same ruling as looking in reality at non-maḥram people. Accordingly, there is no objection to it, as per Islamic law, Provided that it is free of lust /evil intention and does not lead to a bad result. However, since watching obscene pictures is inherently intertwined with looking with sexual urge and it is a precursor to committing ḥarām acts, it is, therefore, ḥarām.
A Woman's Watching Men Wrestling
It is not permissible for a woman to watch men wrestling if the watching is done by attending the ring, live television broadcast — by obligatory caution, with lust and questionable thoughts, or the fear of falling victim to temptation. Otherwise, there is no harm in it.
To Look at Pictures Showing Human Body Parts
By itself, there is no objection to watching films and looking at pictures showing human body parts provided it is done without the intention of getting sexual pleasure and no fear of committing a ḥarām act is involved. However, looking at pictures or watching films of others’ private parts is not unproblematic.
Sexually Exciting Imagination
There is no objection to a man's sexual excitement through imagining his own wife unless it leads to ejaculation. However, as to imagining a non-maḥarām woman for this purpose, it is a caution to avoid it.
Two Non-maḥrams' Being together
When a non-maḥram man and woman are in a place where nobody else exists or may enter, they should leave that place if they are afraid that they may fall victim to a ḥarām action.
Co-educational Institutes
There is no objection to going to co-educational institutes for acquiring knowledge and teaching. However, it is incumbent on women and girls to observe ḥijāb; it is equally incumbent on men to avoid looking in ḥarām way and keeping away from mixing with the opposite sex, which leads to temptation and corruption.
To Learn Driving by a Non-maḥram Instructor
There is no objection to learning driving with the help of a non-maḥram instructor provided that she observes ḥijāb and chastity and ensures that no vile deed is going to be committed. However, it is advisable that one among her maḥram should accompany her. Indeed, it is even much better if she learns driving with the help of a female instructor or one of her maḥrams.
Women should cover their entire head and body — except for the unadorned face and hands up to wrists — with clothes that do not attract non-maḥrams' attention.
It is not permissible for women to wear anything, whose color, design, or manner of wearing may attract non-maḥram’s attention or could eventually lead to bad effects or committing that which is ḥarām.
To Wear a Wig as Hijab
To use an artificial hair (wig) as ḥijāb is not valid.
To Wear Make-up/Ornaments
There is no problem that a woman wears jewellery or make-up but she should cover it in front of non-maḥrams.
To Cover Make-up/Ornaments
If women's adornment and jewellery like wedding ring, normal eyebrow make-up, etc. is known in the common view as an adornment, it should be covered in the presence of the non-maḥrams.
Men's Clothes
It is not mandatory that a man covers his head, neck, face and arms up to the place that men do not usually cover.
A man is not obliged to cover more than his private areas. But, if he knows that non-maḥram women are looking at his body, it is an obligatory caution to cover all parts except for those parts that men usually uncover.
Wearing Short-sleeved Clothes
If wearing short-sleeved clothes by a man entails vile consequences, it is impermissible.
To Wear the Clothes of the Opposite Sex
If the clothes, shoes or slippers are special for certain gender, the other gender is – by obligatory caution - not allowed to wear them. But wearing them by the opposite gender for a short time in a way that they do not consider them as their wear is no problem.