Tuesday, December 26, 2017 1:23:45 PM

2-The Holy Quran’s predictions: The Holy Quran has predicted future events in many cases. This fact shows that it has been descended from a person who knows and can report the unseen, namely the Almighty Allah who is the only absolutely knowing the unseen. Numerous verses of the Holy Quran are related to the prediction of future events which we refer to some.

A. Before Muslims conquering Mecca, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) dreamed that He shaved his head as a sign of exiting Ihram (finishing Hajj), and because prophets’ dreams are true, he promised his companions to enter the Sacred Mosque(Masjid al-Haram) soon. In 6(A.H), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) left to visit Kaba in Mecca with some of his companions. In the way, the pagans (Mushrikin) blocked the way in Hudaybiah and the Hudaybiah treatment took place, in which they agreed that Muslims return and then visit Mecca the two following years. After the agreement, some of the companions objected it and doubted the truth of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) dream. In this situation, the following verse was descended:

“Certainly the Almighty Allah will show the truth of his Prophet’s dream that you shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah pleases, in security, having your heads shaved and your hairs cut. You shall not fear, as He knows what you do not, so He brought about a near victory.”(The holy Quran, 48:27)

In this verse, the truth of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) dream and the conquest of Mecca are promised. In 7(A.H), the dream came true and Muslims visited Mecca and in the next year, the second promise was performed, as Muslims conquered Mecca after the pagans cancelled the agreement.  

B. Badr was the first battle of Muslims against the infidels of Quraish. A caravan of the infidels of Mecca with abundant merchandises was passing by Medina. Muslims asked the Prophet (PBUH) to permit them to attack the caravan and take their merchandise in revenge for usurpation of their property in Mecca. The Prophet (PBUH) permitted them and this verse was then descended:

“When God promised to grant you (believers) victory over either one of the two groups, you wished to have control over the unarmed one. God decided to prove (to you) the truth of His promises and to destroy the unbelievers.” (The holy Quran, 8:7)

This verse describes the results of the battle of Badr. Although the number of battlers of the enemy was several times of the number of battlers of Muslims, and Muslims were worried about, but Quran gave Muslims glad tiding. Quran explicitly expressed that either the victory in the battle or the merchandises would be for the Muslims.

C. when the child of the Prophet (PBUH) passed away, a man named as A’as ibn Wabil said:” Indeed Muhammad is childless. He has no son to be his successor and when he dies his remembrance would fade. Then the verses of Surah Kawthar were descended:

“We have granted you Kawthar (abundant virtue). So worship your Lord and make sacrificial offerings. Whoever hates you will himself remain childless.” (The holy Quran, 108:1 to 3)

In these verses it is announced that the one who called the Prophet (PBUH) childless would have no child and the generation of the Prophet (PBUH) will remain.

3- Who has brought the holy Quran?    

One of the definite characteristics of the Prophet (PBUH) which no one can deny is that the Prophet (PBUH) was “Ummi” i.e. he had not written, he had not studied nor had he been taught by any teacher. This fact is so definite and clear that famous western orientalists have mentioned it in their books. Therefore stating such words that are in the extreme eloquence and fluency and contains the secrets of the universe by such a person, shows that it is a divine work and this knowledge is gained through revelation. In this regard the holy Quran says:

“You were not able to read or write before the Quran was revealed to you; however, the followers of falsehood would have tried to confuse the matter” (The holy Quran, 29:48)

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