It is a word of Arabic language, used for restriction (Hasr). Restriction means to limit the intention to one specific meaning or definite persons, and leave out other meanings and/or people. For example if we say only Allah is our object of worship, it means that being worshiped does belong only to Him and no one else has any share in this position. According to the previous explanation the usage of this word in Arabic, we shall conclude that the usage of the word at the beginning of the verse, limits the position of Wilayat to specific instances. In other words, only three instances are introduced to posses the positions of Mastership from the time of descent, and others have no share in this position. Therefore, the meaning is as follows”: Only Allah, His Messenger, and the believers who keep up prayer and pay alms (Zakat) while they bow (Rokoo) during prayer, are your Wali (Master).” (More explanation about Innama is brought in “More explanation”)
More explanation about Innama
In order to state a concept in the form of a sentence, there are two kinds of sentences considered in Arabic language. (One is called Fe'lieh, beginning with a verb, the other is called, Esmieh, beginning with a noun. The sentence in this verse is Esmieh. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to describe the details of these concepts in this article). Each kind of sentence has its own parts and elements. These parts and elements make the sentences to have a complete meaning, and if any of them is omitted the meaning would not be perfect. The speaker can put each of these elements in different places of his sentence. In other words, the speaker can change the order of the element of the sentence according to the meaning he has in his mind.
Innama precedes the two main elements of the sentence, and restricts the last element. For example, imagine a person called Muhammad is standing. In Arabic language, we can state this concept in these two ways:
1. The standing man is Muhammad. 2. Muhammad is standing. If Innama precedes the first sentence, it restricts Muhammad i.e. only Muhammad is standing and no other person is standing. If Innama precedes the second sentence, it restricts standing i.e. Muhammad is only standing and does nothing else except standing.
In this verse, the last element introduces the instances who are Wali of the believers. Considering Innama placed at the beginning and the last element mentioned above, it would be clear that these instances are restricted and the verse implies that: “Only Allah, His Messenger, and the believers who keep up prayer and pay alms (Zakat) while they bow (Rokoo) during prayer, are your Wali (Master).”
Wali (Master)
Arabic dictionaries such as Lesan-al-Arab name several meanings for this word. Some of the meanings that are suggested are son in law, confederate, friend, master, assistant, etc… Not only do the definitions mentioned not make sense in this verse, but they also do not make sense in other verses including term “Wali”. (For example, if we chose son in law, the meaning of the verse will be: “Only Allah and His Messenger and the believers who keep up prayer and give alms while they bow during prayer, are your son in law, which is definitely incorrect). According to this point, Islamic commentators have chosen only one of these three meanings: 1. Friend 2.Helper 3. Master We will discuss these three meanings in the following parts.
Zakat (Alms)
Giving Zakat means to give one’s property in a way that Allah is pleased. One of its cases, which is named in this verse, is giving one’s property to the poor.