Monday, December 25, 2017 10:33:36 PM



In this verse, Rokoo is referring to a specific act in prayer that requires the bending of the upper part of the body, reciting a supplication.  It is done after the recitation of Surah al-Fatiha and another Surah. The reason for this meaning is that in the previous parts of the verse it is talked about saying prayers by the believers [those who keep up prayers].

More explanation about Rokoo (bowing)

The word “Rokoo” has a literal, expressional, and figurative meaning. The literal meaning is bending. If it is done in prayers with the intention of approaching Allah, then it is used as the expressional meaning. In other words, the expressional meaning is derived from the literal meaning, with the difference that it is a part of prayers and must be done to please Allah, (intention of approaching Allah (Ghasd e Ghorbat) means all the attention is towards Allah, and the action is done only to please Him and not for any other intention). The figurative sense is submissiveness and humility.

While reading texts, at first, we consider the literal meanings of the words. If there are any reasons or indications, we refer to the expressional meaning or the figurative sense. This rule can also be used with the Holy Quran. We should consider the literal meaning at first, and then refer to the expressional meaning or figurative sense in case of any reason or indication. Therefore, for the word “Rokoo”, first we consider the literal meaning and if any concept about prayers and saying prayers is mentioned, it is referred to the expressional meaning and if other indications are noted, we refer to the figurative sense. In this verse, we never encounter the figurative sense. Because of the usage of prayers in this verse, the expressional meaning of “Rokoo” (namely bowing) is extracted.2

At the beginning of the article, it was mentioned that according to what the commentators have considered, Wali has only three meanings: 1.Friend 2. Helper (Naser) 3. Master

In order to reach the best meaning of Wali in this verse, we discuss the first and second meaning firstly, and then explain the third one.

If we consider the first and the second meaning for Wali in this verse the whole verse would be:” Only Allah, His Messenger, and the believers who keep up prayer and pay alms (Zakat) while they bow (Rokoo) during prayer, are your friend or helper.“

As it was mentioned before, Innama is used to restrict. We know that Wali means friend or helper; therefore the meaning of the verse would be: “the only friend or helper of us is Allah, His messenger and the believers who keep up prayer and pay alms while they bow during prayers.’ This means that we should not expect any other friend or helper other than these three. For example, the person who has not given alms to the beggar cannot be our friend. It is obvious that such a meaning is wrong and is in contrast with other Quran verses. There are many verses in the Holy Quran, which the Almighty Allah has invited believers to be friend and help one another. (Every body knows that Quran is the word of Allah and no contrast is credible in it.) For example: “If they ask you in a religious matter, you must help them. (Quran)” This verse implies that helping others is not limited to specific people.  Rather in aspects of religion, it is a necessity for the believers to help one another any problem in the religion.

“Help one another in righteousness and piety. (Quran)” As repeated in this verse, the Almighty Allah has invited believers to help each other in righteousness and piety.  Furthermore, the helping suggested in these verses is not restricted to specific or special persons.

“Truly the believers are brothers of each other (Quran)”. In this verse, the Almighty Allah has called believers, brothers of each other. It is an obvious fact that Islamic brotherhood is a closer relationship than friendship, and it holds a higher status than just helping others. How can it be possible that a person limits his choice of friends to only those who say their prayer and give alms (zakat) while they bow down in prayer (Rokoo), while Quran has called all believers, brothers of each other?

Therefore, we can deduce that here the meaning of Wali cannot be friend or helper, because these meanings (being a friend and helping) have general concept and cannot be restricted to a specific persons.

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