Thursday, April 26, 2018 5:38:35 PM
Hajj tamattu‘ and its ‘umrah

General Structure of hajj tamattu‘ and its ‘umrah.

Issue 1: Hajj tamattu‘ includes two acts: ‘umrahtamattu‘ and hajj tamattu‘.‘Umrah tamattu‘ is prior to hajj tamattu‘ and both these acts have specific deeds which are discussed below.

Issue 2: The deeds of ‘umrah tamattu‘:

1.Wearing iḥrām (hajj dress) from a mīqāt;

2.Ṭawāf around the Holy Ka‘bah;

3.Prayer of ṭawāf ;‘y (to walk) between the mountains of Safā and Marvah;

5.Taqsīr (cutting a small quantity of hair or nail)

Issue 3: The deeds of hajjtamattu‘ are mentioned below:

1.Iḥrām (wearing dress of hajj) in the holy city of Mecca;

2.Wuqūf(staying) in ‘Arafāt from the noon of the ninth of Dhul-Ḥijjah to sunset;

3.Wuqūf (staying) in Mash‘ar ul-Ḥarām on the night before the tenth of Dhul-Ḥijjah to sunrise;

4.Stoning at Jamarah ‘Aqabah on the day of Eid ul-Adha (the tenth of Dhul-Ḥijjah);

5.Slaughtering animal;

6.Shaving head or taqsīr (cutting a small quantity of hair or nail);

7.Ṭawāf around the Holy Ka‘bah;

8.Prayer of ṭawāf ;‘y (to walk) between the mountains of Safā and Marvah;

10.Ṭawāf of nisā’ (women);

11.Prayer of ṭawāfof nisā’;

12.To stay awake during the night before the eleventh in Minā;

13.Stoning three jamarahs on the eleventh of Dhul-Ḥijjah;

14.To stay awake during the night before the twelfth in Minā;

15.Stoning three jamarahs on the twelfth of Dhul-Ḥijjah.

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