Thursday, December 28, 2017 1:11:31 PM
Al-Nubuwwa  or Prophethood

Al-Nubuwwa or Prophethood is a divine selection of a person to whom divine teachings are revealed in order to lead people to the path of perfection and happiness.

The main features of the prophets include the reception of wahy (revelation), the power to perform miracles, and infallibility.

The necessity of prophethood and the rise of prophets is emphasized in the Qur'an, hadiths from the Infallibles (a), and theological texts. Reasons given for its necessity include giving an ultimatum to human beings, their essential need for revelations, and their need for a community. According to the Qur'an, all the prophets shared common goals, such as calling to monotheism and resurrection, pursuit of justice, teaching and training people, purification of their souls, piety, and liberating people from their burdens and shackles.

The doctrine of prophethood counts as a principle of religion, the belief in which is considered as a necessary condition of being a Muslim. In Islam, the doctrine refers to the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and other prophets referred to in the Qur'an or the Prophet Muhammad's (s) tradition. The prophethood began with Adam (a), and according to explicit verses of the Qur'an, it ended with the Prophet Muhammad (s).

According to the Qur'an, prophethood is a divine selection of certain people to whom divine teachings are revealed in order to guide people to the path of perfection and happiness.The belief in prophethood is an essential element of Islam as well as other divine religions.The word, "nubuwwa"  and its cognates in Arabic have been used to mean different things, such as giving news, heights, going out of a place, a clear path, and a secret voice.

The necessity of prophethood has been emphasized by the Qur'an, hadiths from the Infallibles (a), as well as theological texts. Reasons for its necessity include giving an ultimatum to people, as an essential need of human beings, and their need for a community.

The Qur'an has emphasized the necessity of prophethood due to the human needs, including their need for justice, purification, and learning. This is explained by the fact that human beings cannot realize justice in their communities on their own and without guidance by prophets, since the realization of justice in all aspects of life requires the clarification of its various instances by the prophets. Moreover, it requires that a justice-based law guarantees the rights of all people in all aspects. It also requires a just, fair enforcer who is not under the influence of his psychological desires and personal needs. Since all these conditions require prophethood, they are considered as reasons for its necessity. Prophethood is also considered as a preliminary for other human needs, such as education and training.

The necessity of prophethood has been expressed in hadiths in different ways. Imam 'Ali (a) considered the reasons for prophethood to include the confirmation of the human intellect, revival of fitra (human initial nature), prevention of ignorance, as well as reminding divine blessings.


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