After analyzing Qur’anic verses, one can conclude that paradise is a definite vow of Allah (swt) and the reward of the pious believers who completely obey the prophet (PBUH). One who possesses these traits will truly reach salvation.
This article is divided into three parts as follow:
1.What is the outcome of faith and good deeds?
2.The Impact of Believing in the Imam on one’s Salvation
3. Whose good deeds are accepted?
One of the prophet’s commands that must be obeyed, is that we have obey “those vested with authority”, know them and fulfill our responsibilities towards them. Without a doubt, those who don’t obey Allah (swt), the prophet (PBUH) and the Ahl-ul-Bayt in their words, in their hearts and in their actions aren't true believers and will not be endowed with the blessing of going to paradise, because the Qur’an says:
“ان الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات لهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار” [i]. in reality, heaven and hell are both manifestations of our own beliefs and actions in this world. As the Qur’an says: “ان احسنتم احسنتم لانفسکم و ان أساتم فلها” If you do anything good, you have done yourself good, and if you do anything bad, you have worked against yourself”.
Completely obeying the imams (A.S) doesn’t just mean to claim that one loves them and this isn't something that only the Shia says. It starts from knowing them and what our responsibilities are towards them, why we even need the imams, etc.
Now if by any chance some don’t believe in the imams, if their ignorance is out of negligence despite them being aware of the truth, they will surely not make it to heaven, but if they have tried to find the truth and strived in this way, but haven’t reached it, they will not deserve to go to hell, because hell is a place for the sinners and negligent, and clearly, those who have seriously tried and yet failed don’t fall under that category.
[i] Buruj: 11.
Detailed Answer
Paradise is an indisputable vow of Allah (swt). [1] The question is who are those who will go to paradise? Considering the collection of verses on this matter, the answer is “وعدالله المۆمنين و المۆمنات جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار” [2], meaning that there is one condition and that is being a “mu’min” [believer]. Another question comes to mind; who are the believers and what are their traits? Is it enough to recite the shahadatain to be a believer?
“و من يطع الله و رسوله يدخله جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار”[3]. Those who go to heaven are those who have completely obeyed Allah (swt) and His messenger (PBUH). How is one to obey them? Once again, taking into consideration the verses on this issue, the things that Allah (swt) and His messenger want from us can be summed up into two categories: beliefs and actions. “ان الذين آمنوا و عملوا الصالحات لهم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار”[4] (Indeed those who have faith and do righteous deeds, for them will be gardens with streams running in them).
- As long as we don’t obey the prophet (PBUH), we aren't considered obedient.
- Obedience is both in action and in belief
- Obeying the prophet (PBUH) in some of what he has asked us to do isn't considered true complete obedience!
To be continued …
For further information, see:
1- Hell and Non-Muslims, Question 47 (site: 283)
2- Attentive ignorant individuals and deliverance from the hellfire, Question 323 (site: 1751)
[1] “مثل الجنة التي وعد المتقون” Muhammad: 47.
[2] Tawbah: 72.
[3] Nisa’:13.
[4] Buruj: 11.