This question entered my mind: "Which part of the human body needs money?"
Looking around and seeing the busy man in hurry and worry how to make the more and more of money, I asked my heart: Do you need money? My heart replied: "What is money? I don’t know it. I want clean blood." Then I asked my lung: Do you need money?" My lung replied: "Give me clean air and right amount of oxygen." Then I asked my eyes? Do you need money?" The eyes replied: "Give us good flowers to see, good butterflies, green ground and green trees and star studded sky." The ears replied: "Let the nightingale sing. Take us close to the waterfalls and let us hear the sound of the falling waters. The nose replied" Either take me to the garden or bring some flowers to your room." None of the organs of my body needed money. Even the stomach said "Give me less expensive, easy to digest food." Then I asked my soul: "Do you need money?" The soul asked "What will you do with money?" I replied "I will buy a house; I will buy expensive things to eat.
I will get gorgeous clothes to wear". The soul replied: "I do not need the house neither its floor, nor walls, nor roofs. I don’t need planes to fly. I can fly faster than planes. I do not need food to eat or clothes to wear. Keep your money to yourself.
My enjoyment is in remembrance of ALLAH.
"So I thought that neither the soul nor the body needs money and still both of them are round the clock thinking about wealth. Is not man the most confused creature on earth? Instead of simple life and high thoughts he has gone for tension filled expensive life; security guards and bodyguards to guard a tense life. Be simple, be happy and be thankful for God’s blessings.