Friday, January 5, 2018 3:38:15 PM
Eid-ul-Fitr Prayers

It is considered by tradition to be an obligatory [Wajib - prayer, though technically it is an optional prayer with the injunction that it is preferable to offer even if optional (Sunnat-e-Muvakkadah)]. This prayer is Sunnat during the period of occultation of the Imam-e-Zamana(a.s.).

Ghusl (Purification Bath) on Eid day is sunnat, which should preferably be taken under a shelter and not under the open sky.

Before offering Eid prayers it is recommended to have a breakfast of dates. The specified time of Eid prayer is between sunrise and the sun"s initial decline (Zawal). If this prayer happens to be missed it cannot be offered late as "Qaza". Women are exempted from this prayer. The Prayer of Eid-ul-Fitr can be performed individually if one has missed the Jama"at.

It is "Mustahab" (recommended) to offer Eid prayers with two Kutbas.

Takbir before Namaz-e-Eid: "Allaaho Akbar, Allaaho Akbar, Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Wallaaho Akbar, Allaaho Akbar, Wa lillaahil Hamd. Alhamdulillah Alaa Maa Hadaanaa Walahu Shukr Alaa Maa Aulana."

The meaning of the above is: Allah is Greatest, Allah is Greatest there is no one worthy of prayer but Allah, and Allah is Greatest; Allah is Greatest, and all Praise is for Allah. All Praise is for Allah, for that which He has guides us and for Him is thanks for what He has."


This prayer consists of two Rakats. Niyyat (Intention) should be in these words: "I resolve to offer two Rakats Namaz-e-Eid, Sunnat Qurbatan Ellallah". This should be followed by "Takbir" (Allah-Ho-Akber). In the first Rakat after Sura "Al-Hamd", recite Sura "Ala" or The Most High. Then five times Dua-e-Qunoot, followed by Ruku and then Sajda. Then up again for the second Rakat. In the second Rakat after Sura "Al-Hamd" recite Sura "Shams" or The Sun and four times "Dua-e-Qunoot". After this the namaz should be completed like the Morning Prayer.

Pray the Eid prayers.

It is advisable to pray the Eid prayers in the open ground in congregation. If prayed in congregation the rules of "congregational prayers" should be followed.) It is a 2 Rak-a't Salaat.

Stand erect, still and humble. Say Takbeeratul Ih'raam (Allahu Akbar). Make "Niyyat":

"I Pray 2 Rak-a't Salaat ul Eid (Fit'r or Ad'haa), seeking nearness to Allah, in His obedience".

First Rak-a't

(i) Recite Soorah Al Faatih'ah, and Soorah Al Aa'-laa.

(ii) Say Allaahu Akbar

(iii) Then recite the following Qunoot:

اللهم اهل الكبرياء و العظمة و اهل الجود والجبروت و اهل العفو والرحمة و اهل التقوي والمغفرة اسئلك بحق هذا اليوم الذي جعلته للمسلين عيدا و لمحمد صلي الله عليه و آله ذخرا و مزيدا ان تصلي علي محمد و ال محمد و ان تدخلني في كل خير ادخلت فيه محمدا و ال محمد و ان تخرجني من كل سوء اخرجت منه محمدا و ال محمد صلواتك عليه و عليهم اللهم اني اسئلك خير ما سئلك عبادك الصالحون و اعوذ بك مما استعاذ منه عبادك الصالحون

O Allah, (belongs to Thee only) pride, glory, excellence, omnipotence, (Thou) grants amnesty and shows kindness, (Thou art) Holy and Oft-Forgiving, (So), I ask Thee in the name of this day which thou has ordained as a day of happiness for the Muslims, an occasion for Muhammad (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children). to plan ahead and grow strong, to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and introduce me to every good that had been made available to Muhammad and Aali Muhammad, aducate me to keep from every evil as thou kept safe Muhammad and Aali Muhammad from it Thy blessings be on him and on them. O Allah I ask Thee to give me the good which Thy pious servants had asked for. And I take refuge with Thee from that which caused Thy pious servants to seek refuge with Thee.

(Please remember that the above noted(ii) and (iii) have to be rcited, one after the other, 5 times).


(iv) Then say the 6th Takbeer and perform Rukoo and Sujood of the first Rak-a't.

Second Rak-a't

(i) Recite Soorah Al Faatih'ah, and Soorah Ash-Shams.

(ii) Say Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) and Qunoot 4 times, one after the other.

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