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A Selective Bibliography of Hadith Studies (part 2)


, Mohammad Bagher Najaf Zadeh,Daneshe Hadith, Publisher: Mo'asseseyeh Jahade Daneshgahi, Tehran, 493 pages, (Persian)
This is a useful general introduction. It covers classical hadith terminology and methodology. Special attention is given to the influence of Hadith on Persian and Arabic literatures and cultures; includes discussion of Shi'a scholarship as well; makes repeated references to some early works in European languages (e.g. Goldziher), but none to more recent ones.Bashear, Suliman, "Apocalyptic and Other Materials on Early Byzantine Wars," Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Third Series, 1 (1991), pp. 173-207.
Summary: Eschatological traditions are often generated during wars and other tribulations as a means of releasing anxieties. If this description is valid, their contents reflect events that were concurrent with or shortly prior to their creation. As such, they have the potential of serving as valuable historical sources where other historiographical materials are lacking or unsatisfactory. This article is a collection and discussion of many Muslim apocalyptic traditions that were created during the first century AH due to concerns over the Byzantines' constant attempts to recapture Syria. These traditions are scattered in many sources of Sunni hadith, but are most prominently represented in the Kitab al-fitan of Nu'aym b. Hammad (d. 227). The eschatological material is correlated with traditions on the merits (fadhail) of the various Syrian locations. The limited relevant historiographical information from Arabic sources as well as Theophanes is discussed. It is concluded that there is a match between the historiographical material and the apocalypses. The article must be read along with Madelunge (1981, reprinted 1992) and Cook (1992). -BS

---, "Qur'an 2:114 andJerusalem,"BSOAS(Bulletin of the School ofOriental and African Studies), vol. lii, Part 2, 1989, 215-238.

---, "Riding Beasts on Divine Missions: an Examination of the Ass and Camel Traditions,"Journal of Semitic Studies, 36 (1991), 37-75.

---,Muqaddima fi l-ta'rikh al-akhar: nahwa qira'a jadida li-l-riwaya al-islamiya,Jerusalem, private printing, 1984.

---, "On the origins and development of the meaning of zakat in early Islam,"Arabica, vol. 40, no 1, 1993, pp. 84-113.

---, "Muslim apocalypses and the hour: a case-study in traditional reinterpretation,"Israel Oriental Studies, vol. 13, 1993, pp. 75-99.


, Th.,Altarabische Dichtung. Eine Untersuchung ihrer Struktur und Entwicklung am Beispiel der Onagerepisode, 2 vols,Wiesbaden, 1992.Becker, C.H.,Papyri Schott-Reinhardt, I. Heidelberg, 1906.

---, "Grundsatzliches zur Leben-Muhammadforschung," inIslamstudien,Leipzig: Verlag Quelle und Meyer, 1924.

---, "Prinzipielles zu Lammens' Sirastudien,"Der Islam, 4 (1913), pp. 263-269. Reprinted: "Grundsätzliches zur Leben-Muhammed-Forschung," in: same author,Islamstudien, Leipzig: Verlag Quelle und Meyer, 1924, pp. 520-527.


, R., "Mohammed's Call,"Muslim World, 24 (1934), pp. 13-19.---, "Muhammad's Visions,"Muslim World, 24 (1934), 145-154.

Ben Zeeb

, I. and Wolfensohn, I.,Kab al-Ahbar und seine Stellung im Hadith und der Islamischen Legendenliteratur, Frankfurt, Glenhausen, 1933.Bernard, M., "Lesusûl al-fiqh de l'époque classique,"Arabica, vol. 39, p. 273-286. This article is supposed to have said something aboutisnâd origins.

Bernard Baladi

, M., "Des Critères de la Certitude--Un Opuscule de Hasan ibn Sahl sur la Crédibilité du dire Transmis par un Grand Nombre,"Journal Asiatique, 1969, 257(1-2): 95-138.Bianquis, T., "La Transmission du Hadith en Syrie a l'Époque Fatimide--Cinq Notices Tirées de l'Histoire de la Ville de Damas d'Ibn Asakir,"Bulletin d'Études Orientales, 1972: 25, pp. 85-95.


, E.F.F., "Form-Criticism and the Forty-two Traditions of al-Nawawi," Muslim World, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1940, pp. 253-61.Bousquet, G. H., "Études islamologiques d'Ignaz Goldziher,"Arabica, vol. 9, pp. 80-88.

---, "LaMudawwana: index,"Arabica, vol. 17, pp. 113-150.


, John R., Scripture and Society in Modern Muslim Asia,"Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 52, no. 3, August 1993, p559(5).Bravmann, M. M.The spiritual background of early Islam. Studies in ancient Arab concepts, Leiden, Brill, 1972.


, C.Geschtichte der arabischen Litteratur, Second edition, 2 vols, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1943-49---,Geschtichte der arabischen Litteratur: Supplement, 3 vols.,Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1937-1942.


, Ron, "On the Origins of Shi'i Hadith,"Muslim World, vol. LXXXVIII, no. 2, April 1998, pp. 165-184.Bukhari, Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Isma'il, al- (194-256/870)al-Jami' al-Sahih, Ed. Muhammad al-Zuhri, Cairo, 1309. Also: Edited by Ludolf Krehl and Th. W. Juynboll, 4 vols., Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1862-1908.
English Translation by Khan, Muhammad Muhsin,The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih al-Bukhari, 9 vols, 2nd. ed., Hilal Yayinlari, Ankara, 1977. This translation includes the vocalized Arabic text with theisnads, juxtaposed with the translation.

French Translation by Krehl, Ludolf, & Th. W. Juynboll,Le recueil des traditions mahometanes par Abou Abd Allah Mohammed ibn Ismail el-Bokhari, 4 vols.,Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1862-1908.
Abdul Rauf (1983) says it contains a total of 7,397 hadiths (including 4,000 repetitions). Azami (1977) says that if we exclude mawquf traditions and the sayings of the Successors, then then number is 9082, or 2602 without repetition.
This work is the most prestigious of the so-calledsihah sitta, the six canonical Sunni compilations of hadiths. The author, a Persian from Bukhara, was said to have revised his Sahih three times, making "changes in it, adding and discarding," in Azami's words. TheSahih has been scrutinized by numerous scholars and large commentaries have been written on it. Bukhari sought to list only hadiths which possessed uninterrupted chains of credible authorities.

---,al-Tarikh al-Kabir, 4 vols.,Hyderabad, 1361-62.
This dictionary deals with 40,000 people. -BS

---,al-Tarikh al-Saghir,Allahabad, 1325.

---,Raf' al-Yadayn,Delhi, 1299

---,al-Adab al-mufrad,Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyya, 197?.


, "The Age Structure of Medieval Islamic Education,"Stud. Isl. 57, 1983, pp. 105-17.Burton, John,An introduction to the Hadith, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1994.

---,The collection of the Qur'an,Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1977.

---,The sources of Islamic law: Islamic theories of abrogation, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1990.

---, "Those are the High-Flying Cranes,"Journal of Semitic Studies, 15 (1970), 246-65.

---, "Rewriting the timetable of early Islam," JAOS (Journal of the American Oriental Society), vol. 115, no. 3, July-September 1995, pp. 453-462.

---, Review of Norman Calder,Studies in Early Muslim Jurisprudence, 1995.

---, "Law and exegesis: the penalty for adultery in Islam,"Approaches to the Qu'ran, edited by G.R. Hawting and Abdul-Kader A.Shareef,London: Routledge, 1993, pp. 269-284.

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