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A Selective Bibliography of Hadith Studies (part 4)


, Mohammad, "Ibn Hajar's Hady al-Sari: A Medieval Interpretation of the Structure of al-Bukhari's al-Jami' al-Sahih: Introduction and Translation," Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 54, no. 3, 1995, pp. 161-197.Hady al-Sari is Ibn Hajar's introduction to his famous commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari, Fath al-Bari. Fadel briefly compares Ibn Hajar's understanding of the structure of Bukhari to that of Ignaz Goldziher. He then provides a translation of the first four chapters of Hady al-Sari, and adds two appendices: an index of the proper names found in the translation, and a brief glossary with 15 entries.
Fadel explains: "Hady al-sari is a lengthy work. Much of it consists of indexes: a glossary of rare words found in the Sahih, vocalizations of ambiguous proper names, full identification of the transmitters al-Bukhari cited in his work, etc. The first four chapters, however, present his view of the generic features of Sahih al-Bukhari as a text. In these chapters, Ibn Hajar is concerned with revealing the structure of the work and explaining the complexities which arise in this work as a result of its structure."


, Abu Yusuf Ya'qub b. Sufyan (d. Basra, 277/890-891), Kitab al-ma'rifa wa al-ta'rikh, 3 vols., Ed. Akram Diya' al-'Umari, Beirut: Mu'assasat al-Risala, 1981.Fleischhammer, Manfred, (Abû Hâtim) Muhammad Ibn Hibbân (al-Bustî)'s "Kitâb masâhîr 'ulamâ al-amsâr". Ein Werk der islamischen Traditionskritik nach dem Leipziger Unikum kritisch untersucht und hrsg., Diss. Halle/S., 1955. 32, 2, 187 Bl. II, 333.


, William A., Divine and Prophetic Word in Early Islam--A Reconsideration of the Sources with Special Reference to the Divine Sayings or Hadith Qudsi, The Hague: Mouton Publishers; 1977; xvii + 266pp.The second part of the book contains a translation of many Qudsi hadiths along with interesting annotations. A table of all the isnads is provided. For a critical review see John Burton, International Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. 11, no. 3, 1980, pp. 238-9. -BS


,`Ali b. Abi Bakr, Majma' al-Zawa'id, 10 vols., Qudsi, Cairo, 1352. Also: Majma' al-Zawa'id wa manba' al-fawa'id, 10 vols.,Beirut, 1982.al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad b. Abd Allah (d. 403/933-1014),An introduction to the science of tradition, being al-Madkhal ila marifat al-Iklil, edited and translated by James Robson Luzack, London, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1953, 48 p. ; 26 cm.

---, Kitab Ma'rifat 'ulum al-Hadith, Ed. Seyyed Mu'azzam Husayn, Beirut: The Trading Office, 1966.

---, Al-Mustadrak 'ala al-sahihayn, 4 volumes,Hyderabad: Da'irat al-Ma'arif al-Nizamiyya, 1915-1924. Refer to the annotation on Bukhari for an explanation of this book.


, Muhammad, The earliest extant work on the Hadith: Sahifah Hammam ibn Munabbih, comprising as-Sahifah as-Sahihah of Abu-Harairah, prepared for his pupil Hammam ibn Munabbih, together with an introduction to the history of the early compilation of the Hadith, 5th rev. ed., Paris, Centre Culturel Islamique, 116 p., Microform: Princeton, J.N.: Princeton University, 1 microfilm reel, 35 mm., 1961, 1983Harley, A.H., "The Musnad of Umar b. Abdi'l-Aziz," Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, New Series, 20, 1924, pp. 391-488.


,Abu Bakr 'Abdullah b. Zubayr (d. 219) Musnad, 2 vols., Ed. Habib al-Rahman al-A'zami, #34 in series: Manshurat al-Majlis al-'Ilmi, Karachi: Al-Majlis al-'Ilmi, 1963.al-Hurr al-'Amili, Muhammad b. Hasan, Wasa'il al-Shi'a ila tahsil masa'il al-shaari'a, Ed. by A.R. al-Rabbani, M. al-Razi, and A.H. al-Sha'rani, 20 vols., Tehran: Maktaba Islamiyya, 1376-89/1956-69.

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