Tuesday, January 9, 2018 1:32:51 PM
A Selective Bibliography of Hadith (part 6)


Librande, Leonard T., "Al-Dhahabi's essay Amsar dhawat al-athar, Bulletin d'études orientales, vols. 32-33, 1980-81, pp. 113-160. Includes Arabic text.

Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir ibn Muhammad Taqi, 1627 or 8-ca. 1699. Majmuah-i rasail-i itiqadi, Mashhad: Bunyad-i Pizhuhishha-yi Islami-i Astan-i Quds-i Razavi, 1989, 212 p., Series: Silsilah-i risalahha-yi Farsi-i Allamah-i Majlisi; 3-9

---, The Life and Religion of Muhammad: Hilyat al-Qulub, vol. 2, Tr. Merrick, J.L.,Boston, U.S.A., 1850, rp with ammendments, San Antonio: Zahra Trust, 1982, 483 pp.

---,Bihar al-anwar.

Malik b. Anas, Muwatta', 2 vols, ed. by M.F. 'Abdul Baqi,Cairo, 1370

Malik's collection was transmitted in different versions by his students, notably Yahya b. Yahya al-Laythi (d. 232/848) and Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Shaybani (d. 189/804). Yahya's version contains 1720 hadiths. Of these, 898 are sayings of Companions (613) and Successors (285), while 822 are sayings of the Prophet, including 600 which go back to him without interruption (musnad), 222 without a Companion narrator (mawquf), and 61 which are without isnads. Some of the mawquf traditions are found in later collections with full isnads. Shaybani's version of the Muwatta contains 429 hadiths from the Prophet and 750 from others, including Companions (628), Successors (112), and later figures (10).

al-Maqdisi, Abu l-Ma'ali al-Musharraf b. al-Murajja b. Ibrahim, Fada'il Bayt al-Maqdis wa l-Khaalil wa Fada'il al-Sham [The Merits of the Holy House, Hebron, and Syria], Edited with an introduction by Ofer Livne-Kafri, Shafa 'Amr: Dar al-Mashriq, 1955, 419 pages and 9 page English introduction.

Reviewed by Robert Schick in al-'Usur al-Wusta: the Bulletin ofMiddle East Medievalists, vol. 7, no. 2, October 1995, 45-46.
Collection of 594 hadiths which praiseJerusalem, mosques, Syria, and Hebron.

Mizzi, Yusuf ibn al-Zaki 'Abd al-Rahman, d. 742/1256-1341, Kashshaf 'an abwab maraji' Tuhfat al-ashraf bi-ma'rifat al-atraf: faharis kutub al-usul al-sittah wa-abwabuha ma' raqam kull kitab wa-bab m 'amal 'Abd al-Samad Sharaf al-Din. al-Tab'ah 2., ma' al-idafah wa-al-tarmim wa-al-taswib. Bhiwandi, al-Hind : al-Dar al-Qayyimah, 1981.

---, Tahdhib al-Kamal fi asma' al-rijal, li-Jamal al-Din Abi al-Hajjaj Yusuf al-Mizzi ; haqqaqahu wa-dabata nassahuwa-'allaqa 'alayhi Bashshar 'Awwad Ma'ruf. al-Tab'ah 1. Bayrut : Mu'assasat al-Risalah, 1980-1992.

Based on al-Jamma`ili (d. 600/1203), al-Kamal fi ma`rifat al-rijal.Comprehensive discussion of transmitters who appear in the Six Books, including not only biographies and evaluations from rijal critics but also the specific hadith reports with which each transmitter is connected. -CM

---, Tuhfat al-ashraf bi-ma'rifat al-atraf, li-Jamal al-Din Abi al-Hajjaj Yusuf ibn al-Zaki 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Yusuf al-Mizzi. Ma'a al-Nukat al-ziraf 'ala al-atraf, ta'liqat Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani.... Bhiwandi : al-Dar al-Qayyimah, 1965-1982.

On this work, see the following references: G.H.A. Juynboll , "Some Isnad-Analytical Methods Illustrated on the Basis of Several Woman-Demeaning Sayings from Hadith Literature," al-Qantara, X (1989), 343-84; G.H.A. Juynboll, "al-Mizzi," New Encyclopedia of Islam (M- pp.212-213); and G.H.A. Juynboll "Musnad," in New Encyclopedia of Islam (M- pp. 705-7). -BS

Modarressi, Hossein, Crisis and Consolidation in the Formative Period of Shi'ite Islam, Abu Ja'far ibn Qiba al-Razi and His Contributions to Imamite Shi'ite Thought, The Darwin Press, Inc., Princeton, 1993.

Mu'allimi al-Yamani, 'Abdur Rahman b. Yahya, Al-Anwar al-Kaashifa, Cairo, 1378,

---, al-Tankil, 2 vols, ed. by Nasiruddin al-Albani.

Muqatil b. Sulaiman, Tafsir, ed.'A. M. Shahhâta, 4 vols. Cairo, 1979-87.

Muslim b. Hajjaj, [Abul Husain Muslim b. al-Hajjaj al-Nisaburi [or al-Quraishi], (204-261/d. 875), [al-Jami' al-] Sahih, ed. by M.F. 'Abdul Baqi, Cairo, 1374.Translated into English by 'Abdul Hamid Siddiqi as Sahih Muslim: Being Traditions of the Sayings and Doings of the Prophet Muhammad as Narrated by His Companions and Compiled under the Title of al-Jami us-Sahih, 4 vols., Lahore, Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf, 1972-76. Muslim's introduction was translated into English by G.H.A. Juynboll as: "Muslim's introduction to his Sahih," Translated by Juynboll, G.H.A.Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, (1984) 5: 263-302.

Includes 12,000 hadiths (4,000 repetitions). Muhammad Fuwad 'Abdul Baqi's numbering, which is based on the matns of hadiths rather than their isnads, gives 3033 hadiths. The book is said to share 2326 hadiths with Bukhari's Sahih.

Among the author's teachers were included Zubair b. Harb, Sa'id b. Mansur, 'Abd b. Humaid, Dhuhali, al-Bukhari, Ibn Ma'in, Ibn Abi Shaiba, etc. Among his students were included Tirmidhi, Ibn Abu Hatim Razi, Ibn Khuzaima, etc.

---, Tamyiz, ed. by M.M. Azami, University ofRiyadh, 1395.

Muth, Franz-Christoph, Die Annalen von at-Tabari im Spiegel der europaischen Bearbeitungen, Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Peter Lang, 1983.

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