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A Selective Bibliography of Hadith Studies (part 7)


, al-Hakim: Look under al-Hakim al-Naisaburi.al-Najashi(d. 450/1058-59?), Kitab al-Rijal, n.p.: Markaz Nashr Kitab, n.d.), probably from Tehran, 1960's. Another edition: Rijal al-Najashi, ed. Muhammad Jawad al-Na'ini, 2 vols., Beirut: Dar al-Usul, 1988.

This is one of the three or four principal sources on early Shi`i traditionists. Includes very few dates.


, Abu 'Abd al-Rahman Ahmad b. Shu'ayb (d. 303/915), Kitab al-Sunan. Contains over 5000 hadiths.---, Kitab 'Ishrah al-nisa, ed. M. al-Sa'id Zaghlul,Cairo, n.d. This is a chapter from Nasa'i's Sunan al-Kubra.

---, Tafsir, ed. S. b. 'A. ash-Shafi'i and S. b. 'A. al-Ghalimi, 2 vols.,Cairo, 1990. This is a chapter from Nasa'i's Sunan al-Kubra.


, Asad, Musadir ash-Shi'r al-Jahili, 2nd ed., Darul Ma'arif, Cairo, 1962.

[Abu Abd Allah] Nu'aym

ibn Hammad al-Marwazi (d. 227 AH), Kitab al-fitan, edited by Suhayl Zakkar,Mecca, al-maktaba al-tijariya, 1991. Another edition: ed. Samir ibn Amin al-Zuhayri, al-Qahirah: Maktabat al-Tawhid, 1991, 2 vols. Another edition: Ed. Majdi b. Mansur b. Sayyid al-Shura,Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah inBeirut, 1997. Early source of historical and eschatological traditions.Robson, James, "Hadith," An Introduction to the Science of Tradition, being Al-Madkhal ila ma'rifat al-Iklil by Al Hakim Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad b. Abdallah al Naisaburi ,London, 1953.---, Mishkat al-masabih, English translation with explanatory notes, (Author: Khatib al-Tibrizi, Muhammad ibn `Abd Allah, fl. 1337),Lahore, M. Ashraf.The author's introduction to the translation gives an account of the hadith literature.


, Edward E., "Contributions from original sources to our knowledge of the science of Muslim tradition," Journal of the American Oriental Society, Volume 7, 1862,pp. 60-142.This article includes long excerpts (in Arabic) from four primary sources along with English translation and commentary. The sources include Bukhari's Sahih, Muslim's preface to his Sahih, a treatise on the principles of tradition by Sayyid 'Ali al-Jurjani (d. 816 A.H.), and an exposition of hadith terminology by 'Abd al-Haq.

Sayf b. 'Umar

al-Tamîmî, Kitâb al-Ridda wa'l-Futûh and Kitâb al-Jamal wa masîr 'Â'isha wa 'Alî, A critical edition of the fragments preserved in the University Library of Imam Muhammad Ibn Sa'ud Islamic University inRiyadh, Sa'udi Arabia. Edited with an introduction and notes by Qasim al-Samarrai, Leiden: Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium, 1995.Serjeant, R.B., "The Constitution of Medina," Islamic Quarterly, vol. 8, 1964

---, "'The Sunnah Jamiaah'--Pacts with the Yathrid Jews and the 'Tahrim' of Yathrib: Analysis and Translation of the Documents Comprised in the So-Called 'Constitution ofMedina,'" BSOAS, vol. 41, no. 1, 1978, pp. 1-42.


, Irfan, The Martyrs of Najran: New Documents, Brussels, Societe des Bollandistes, Bd. Saint Michel, 24, 1971.Shaukat, Jamila, A Critical Edition of Musnad Aishah from Ibn Rahuwaih's Musnad, with an Account of the Author and of Women Transmitters of Hadith, Doctoral Thesis, Cambridge, University of Cambridge, 1984.

Sufyan b. Sa'id al-Thawri

, Tafsir, ed. I. 'A. 'Arshi, Beirut, 1983.Suhayli, 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Abdallah, al-rawdh al-unuf fi sharh al-sira al-nabawiya li -bn Hisham, 7 vols., ed. 'A. al-Wakil, Cairo, 1967.


, 'Abdur Rahman b. Abu Bakr, Tadrib ar-Rawi, ed. by A.R. Latif, Cairo, 1379---, al-Durril Manthur, 6 vols., Cairo.

---, al-Khasa'is al-kubra, 3 vols., ed. M.H. Harâs, Cairo, 1967.

---, Asbab al-Nuzul.


, Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman b. Ahmad, al-Mu'jam al-kabir fi asma' al-sahaba, ed. H. 'A. al-Salafi, 26 vols., Beirut, 1984.al-Tabari, Abu Ja'far Muh. b. Jarir, Jami' al-bayan fi tafsir al-Qur'an, 30 vols., Cairo, 1321/1903.

---, Ta'rikh al-rusul wa 'l-muluk, Ed. M. de Goeje, Leiden, 1879-1901.


, Abu Dawud Sulayman b. Da'ud b. al-Jarud (133-241/750-818 also d. 203/813?), Musnad, Hyderabad, 1321 AH.Sezgin calls him Abu Dawud al-Tayalisi (GAS 1:96f). His death date is uncertain: 203/818-819 or Rab. I 204/Aug.-Sept. 819 as reported in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib 4:185.

Contains 2767 hadiths with full isnads on the authority of 281 Companions, and is said to be the first musnad. Tayalisi was a mawla who heard hadiths from many people, including al-Thawri. The Musnad was in fact compiled by his student, Yunus b. Habib. Siddiqi (1993) says that this early work contains traditions on a wide variety of subjects, but hadiths on praise of specific individuals (fadh'ail genre), reports of miracles, and predictions of the future are rare. Siddiqi adds that the popularity of the work waned after the 8th century.


, Muhammad b. 'Isa (d. 279/892), Sunan, ed. by Shakir et. al., 5 vols., Cairo. Also: Sunan al-Tirmidhi wa huwa al-jami' al-sahih, 4 vols., ed. 'A. 'Abdallatif, Beirut, 2nd ed., 1983. Contains about 4,000 hadiths. After each hadith he comments on its legal usage and the quality of its isnad.Tusi, Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. 'Ali [Abi Ja'far] (385-460), Tahdhib [al-ahkam fi sharh al-muqni'a li'l-Shaykh al-Mufid], Ed. by H.M. al-Kharsan, 4 vols., Najaf: Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, 1375-76/1956-57.

This book contains 13590 hadiths and is one of the main Shiite collections. The author left Khurasan forBaghdad in 408 and studied under Shakih Mufid for five years. In 448 his house and library were burned during Shiite-Sunni disturbances, so he leftBaghdad for Najaf and founded the well known seminary in that city.

---, al-Istibsar [fima uukhtulifa min al-akhbar], Ed. by H.M. al-Kharsan, 4 vols., Najaf: Dar al-Kutub al-Islamiyya, 1575-76/1956-57.

One of the main Shiite collections, this book contains 5511 hadiths and aims at harmonizing contradictory hadiths.

---, Rijal al-Tusi, Ed. Muhammad Sadiq al-Bahr al-'Ulum, Najaf: al-matba'at al-haydariyya.

---, al-Fihrist, ed. Muhammad Sadiq al-Bahr al-`Ulum, Nashriyat al-Maktabah al-Murtadhawiyah 95 (Najaf: al-Matba`ah al-Haydariyah, 1937). Earlier edition: Tusys List of Shy`ah Books, ed. Alois Sprenger, Bibliotheca Indica, Old ser., Fasc. 60, 71, 90, 107 (Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1853-1855); repr. with a new introduction by Mahmud Ramyar as al-Fihrist, Da:nishkadah-yi ilahiyat va ma`arif-i islami-yiMashhad 2 (Mashhad: Da:nishgah-i Mashhad, 1351). A bibliography of books by Shi`i writers.

---, Ikhtiyar "Ma`rifat al-rijal" al-ma`ruf bi-"Rijal al-Kashshi:", ed. Hasan al-Mustafawi, Danishkadah-yi ilahiyat va ma`arif-i islami: (Mashhad: Danishgah-i Mashhad, 1348).

It is al-Tusi's reworking of a work by al-Kashshi (d. ca. 340/951). Note also Rijal al-Kashshi, ed. Ahmad al-Husayni (Karbala: Mu'assasat al-A`lami: lil-Matbu`at, n.d.), which is in fact the same text as Ikhtiyar "Ma`rifat al-rijal" al-ma`ruf bi-"Rijal al-Kashshi".

---, Kitab al-Ghayba, Najaf, 1385/1965-66.

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