1. God blesses one who gains legally and spends moderately and of the surplus saves, by spending for the needs of the world hereafter.
2. God blesses one who bridles his tongue, understands the time he lives in, and treads the path of righteousness.
3. God’s consent is in the satisfaction of parents and His dissent is in their distress.
4. What an excellent intercessor Qur’an is on the Day of Judgement for one who has read the Qur’an.
5. A two-unit prayer of a married man is better than 70 units offered by a bachelor.
6. A two-unit prayer of a scholar is better than 70 units offered by one other than a scholar.
7. All Muslims are brethren and no one is superior except in abstinence.
8. Though abundance might ensue from usury it ends in dearth.
9. Before God, a true believer is more honorable than some of His angels.
10. It becomes common knowledge when a wise man goes astray, but the mistake of an ignorant person is concealed by his ignorance.
11. Visit graves for it remind you of the subsequent world.
12. Adultery is the source of poverty.
13. Ask God for His bounty for He loves to be requested.
14. Pray to God to bestow upon you true wisdom and seek God’s refuge from fruitless knowledge.
15. Regarding your ignorance, it is enough to say that you reveal all that you know.
16. The worst people are those who sell the world hereafter for the sake of this world and even worse than them are those who sell the world hereafter for the sake of others.
17. The worst people are the corrupt scholars.
18. A true believer acts like a mirror to another. He is his brother and helps him in his work and protects and shields him from the rear.
19. It is enough to brand you as a liar when you retell whatever passes your ears.
20. A person in debet is in chains even in his grave. Nothing can set him free except disbursement of debts.
21. Everything, even a fish in the sea asks for the forgiveness of a sage.