Tuesday, January 9, 2018 7:24:04 PM
Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith (12)

1. A true believer is he in who people trust more than in their lives and property.

2. A true believer is alert, exact and prudent.

3. One hour of deep reflection is better than sixty years of worship.

4. Your belly is the den of all diseases and abstention therefore the best cure

5. The best rapprochement between two parties is the reconciliation between a husband and a wife.

6. Anyone who acts precipitously without insight and knowledge breaks more than what he makes.

7. All the offsprings of Adam are sinners and the best among them are the penitent.

8. A believer can have any quality except treason and mendacity.

9. Live like guests in this world. Take mosques as your houses. Let your hearts get used to tenderness, reflect and cry in abundance. Don’t let your desires lead you astray. You make buildings you never reside in and provide all kinds of food you never eat and entertain hopes you never realize.

10. How can God bless a nation that doesn’t take the right of the oppressed from the oppressors?

11. It is far better for a man to give a dirham as alms during his life than giving hundreds at the time of death.

12. Encourage people to do good deeds and discourage them from doing bad ones , lest the unscrupulous among you hold you in sway and the prayers of true believers lose efficacy .

13. One of the best deeds is making a believer happy. It means paying his debt and meeting his needs and removing whatever hardships that exist.

14. There are tithes for everything and tithes for owning a house is a guest room.

15. There is a key to everything and the key to heaven can be obtained by loving and caring the deprived and the needy.

16. Those who pester Muslims on their course of life deserve imprecation.

17. If a man owns two valleys of gold, he will still wish for the third one; nothing can fill the human mouth better than dust.

18. If faith existed in Pleiades Iranians would find access to it.

19. If knowledge were suspended from Pleiades Iranians would reach it.

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