Saturday, January 6, 2018 9:47:29 PM
Abū Dhar al-Ghifārī

Jundub ben Junāda ben Sufyān al-Ghifārī known as Abū Dhar al-Ghifārī was one of the greatest companions of Prophet Muhammad (s) and a companion of Imam 'Ali (a); he was also one of those who were known as the four pillars.

He was a true companion of Prophet Muhammad (s) and Ahl al-Bayt (a). Numerous virtues and excellences have been narrated for him by both Sunni and Shi'a. Scholars of rijal have considered him as one the four pillars [among the companions. Abu Dhar complained criticized actions of 'Uthman, the thirds Caliph, and as a result, he was exiled to Syria and then to al-Rabadha where he passed away.

Conversion to Islam

Abu Dhar was among the first people who converted to Islam. According to some narrations he was a monotheist before the emergence of Islam, he worshiped God three years before Bi'tha. Ibn Habib al-Baghdadi maintains that Abu Dhar considered drinking alcohol and azlam (gambling) unlawful in Jahiliyya era. After the emergence of Islam, he was among the first people who came to Prophet Muhammad (s) and converted to Islam. According to a narration, Abu Dhar said: "I was the forth one who went to Muhammad (s) and converted to Islam, which made him delighted."

As Ibn al-'Abbas said: "When Abu Dhar became aware of Prophet Muhammad's Prophethood in Mecca, he told his brother, Anis: Inform me about the knowledge of the man who thinks, he receives massages from the sky; listen to him and bring me the news." After visiting Prophet Muhammad (s) Anis returned to his brother. Then Abu Dhar himself went to Mecca to find Muhammad (s). Abu Dhar alongside 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a) visited Muhammad (s) in his house. Abu Dhar was the first one who said to Prophet: "Salam upon you, O Messenger of Allah". Then Abu Dhar converted to Islam after articulating Shahadatayn (Islamic creed declaring belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad (s) as God's messenger).

Shi'a sources reported a different story on Abu Dhar's conversion to Islam. Al-Kulayni reported a narration from Imam al-Sadiq (a), in which the story of Abu Dhar's conversion to Islam is mentioned alongside an extraordinary event.

 Friendship with 'Ali b. Abi Talib (a)

As al-Irbili narrated, Abu Dhar chooses 'Ali b. Abi Talib as his executor of his will and said: By Allah, 'Ali b. Abi Talib is my executor. By Allah, although his right was usurped in caliphate, you will find peace and blessing with him. Ibn Abi l-Hadid said: Abu Dhar told Ibn Rafi' in al-Rabadha, fear only Allah, soon a conspiracy will happen, you should support Imam 'Ali (a). Abu Dhar also attended the funeral of Lady Fatima (a) which took place at midnight.


Abu Dhar passed away in Dhu l-Hijja 32/653, in al-Rabadha, in the time of 'Uthman's caliphate. As Ibn Kathir said, no one was with him unless his wife and his child when he passed away Al-Zirikli said, when he passed away his family did not have anything for enshrouding his body. Mihran b. Maymun said: "All the property of Abu Dhar valued only about two dirhams [an old currency in Arab countries less valuable than dinar".

It is said, when Umm Dhar was crying she said to Abu Dhar: You die in desert and I have nothing to enshroud your body. He replied: Do not cry and be happy, for Prophet Muhammad (s) said one of you will die in desert and he will be buried by a group of Muslims. The others have passed away in cities and I am the only one left, and I die in desert; Prophet Muhammad (s) was talking about me.

When he died 'Abd Allah b. Mas'ud and a number of Ansar, Hujr b. 'Adi, Malik al-Ashtar and several young Muslims, were passing the desert and coincidentally they noticed Abu Dhar. Therefore, they enshrouded his body and buried him and 'Abd Allah b. Mas'ud performed Funeral prayer on his body.

According to all sources, Abu Dhar is buried in al-Rabadha. Al-Harbi, in al-Manasik, said there was a masjid in al-Rabadha under the name of Abu Dhar; and it is said that the grave of Abu Dhar was in that masjid.


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