In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
I would like to begin my words at this cordial gathering, which aims to speak for all Muslims in the world, by praising and offering thanks to the Almighty:
O God, I praise Thee for knowledge, for monotheism, for servitude and for affection. I praise Thee for Islamic brotherhood, for honoring courtesy and human qualities, for teaching patience and reliance on Thy will, and for recommending benevolence and compassion.
I extend my greetings to Mohammad al-Mustafa (peace be upon him and his household), Thy servant and messenger, who raised the banner of monotheism and justice, advocated the dignity of mankind and freed him from serving anyone or anything except Thee. I also extend my greetings to his immaculate household and his truthful companions and their followers and all pious servants of Allah and all human beings of noble nature and character.
I would like to offer my warm and sincere welcome to you, the esteemed guests, the heads of government and senior officials of Islamic countries and all the delegates, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Secretary-General of this conference and other venerable guests.
Dear brothers and sisters,
You have convened today in one of the major bastions of Islam. Although your official host is our president, every Iranian considers himself or herself to be your host and welcomes you to this land of faith.
Honorable guests,
We are not bound to one another by certain interests, which could some day be replaced with other interests that would entail the severance of out ties, but what is the basis of our strong and eternal bonds of brotherhood is our belief in Islam and the Holy Qur'an.
It is also based on this belief that Muslim nations, despite their historical, geographical and political differences, have formed a single body called the Islamic Ummah. These indispensable bonds have been created among us through the acceptance of Islam. The differences, disputes or even conflicts could easily be resolved through wisdom, patience and forbearance.
Therefore, let us regard this historic gathering as a forum for discussion about the destiny of our nations as well as that of the whole Islamic Ummah.
Brothers and dear guests,
In my address at this inaugural session, I will focus my words on Islam, the Islamic Ummah and the Organization of Islamic Conference and its prospects. I will also present a sum-up on these issues at the end.
1 - Islam
Ever since its advent, Islam has shown mankind the path toward a better and more prosperous life in this world as well as the path toward spiritual and eternal salvation in the afterlife. The main afflictions of mankind, which Islam aims to eliminate, have always been the same, whether before or at the time of the advent of Islam or even today. Poverty, ignorance, discrimination, war and insecurity, falling into the trap of materialism and getting entangled in bad traits and habits are among such afflictions.
Islam is a religion of humanity, moderation, wisdom and submission to the will of the Almighty, and undoubtedly all other religions were also like this before their being distorted by certain hands. Islam has offered remedies for the afflictions of mankind based on wisdom, moderation and avoiding the extremes. It has also invited man to worship and supplicate to Almighty Allah and advised him to fight evil, oppression, corruption and transgression as well as constantly resist his own selfishness and carnal desires.
Islam has offered guidelines and instructions that deal with individual, social, moral and political aspects of life. In the political and social system that has been introduced by Islam, social justice, different kinds of freedom, equitable peace, the proper reaction to aggression and oppression, the relationship between individuals in society and the relations between nations have all been clearly delineated.
Today, despite the colorful and pleasant appearance of life, mankind is still suffering from the same old afflictions that he has long experienced in the course of history: The majority of world public are poor, and a small minority possess the greatest portion of the wealth on the Earth. Most nations have achieved no considerable scientific progress and development, and other developed nations are using their advanced knowledge and technology as a pressure lever and as a tool of oppression.
There are wars in some parts of the world, and nations in other regions live in constant fear of the likely outbreak of war and bloodshed. There is discrimination against some countries at the international level, and there is still class discrimination in certain nations.
The materialistic Western civilization is leading mankind toward materialism, which portrays money, sensuality and voracity as the main goals of life. Finally, sincerity, faithfulness, forgiveness, generosity and self-sacrifice have been replaced in most parts of the world with deception and trickery, avarice, envy, spite, parsimony and other evil traits.
Although the world has greatly changed compared with the past in terms of science and technology, the old and chronic sufferings of mankind have remained unabated. Western liberalism, communism, socialism and other schools of thought have all been put to the test, and they have all proved unable to provide remedies for the afflictions of mankind.
Islam has proved in the course of history to be the only curative and savior angel. Today, this call is being heard, as it was heard 1,400 years ago, "...Indeed, there has come to you Light and a clear Book from Allah; with it Allah guides him who will follow His pleasure into the ways of safety and brings them out of utter darkness into light by His will and guides them to the right path." (5: 15,16)
It is important for us to make every effort to show the real face of Islam to the world. The fact is that the enemies over the past few centuries and ignorant friends over a longer period have tarnished the brilliant face of Islam by misinterpreting or misrepresenting its tenets and precepts. However, the malicious propaganda and evil plots of the enemies have played a much greater role in tarnishing the brilliant image of this divine religion.
The enemies have incessantly been spreading negative propaganda against Iran after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of an Islamic system in this country. In order to distort the pervasive and enlightening message of this grand revolution, they been leveling all kinds of accusations against us for the past two decades, to such an extent that most nations have now become bored with these hackneyed lies and baseless allegations.
The Zionists, their world media and U.S. politicians have been the most active in spreading negative propaganda against the Islamic Republic, since they are the ones that have lost their illegitimate interests because of the Islamic Revolution.
My Muslim brethren,
Our main task is to acquire a better knowledge of Islam, show the true face of this divine religion to the world, get more acquainted with one another and strengthen our unity and solidarity.
2 - The Islamic Ummah
The first political and social outcome of Islam was the formation of the Islamic Ummah that sprouted in Medina and developed at an amazing pace.
Less than half a century after the advent of Islam, almost half of the territories of the three neighboring ancient civilizations, namely Persia, Rome and Egypt, were under the influence of Islam.
In the course of the next century, a great and powerful Islamic civilization and government was established in the center of the world that was bounded on the east by the Great Wall of China, on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north by the Siberian steppes, and on the south by the Indian Ocean.
In the next three or four centuries, the Islamic civilization achieved such a high status that today, after some one thousand years, the scientific and cultural achievements of that brilliant civilization are still evident in the modern world.
What makes it necessary for us to remind ourselves of our glorious Islamic civilization is the fact that Islam and its revitalizing teachings that gave rise to that civilization are still available to us. We are still being addressed by the divine revelation that ‘O you who believe! Answer (the call of) Allah and His Apostle when he calls you to that which gives you life;' (8:24)
Islam has proved that it has the capacity to promote its Ummah to the highest level of civility and dignity, scientific knowledge and political power. However, strong belief, perseverance and avoiding discord and division are the prerequisites for achieving these objectives. The Holy Qur'an tells us:
‘And be not infirm, and be not grieving, and you shall have the upper hand if you are believers.' (3:139)
‘And (as for) those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them in our ways; and Allah is most surely with the doers of good.' (29:69)
‘And obey Allah and His Apostle and do not quarrel, for then you will be weak in hearts and your power will decline, and be patient; surely Allah is with the patient.' (8:46)
Unfortunately, during the past two centuries, the plots of the enemies and inefficiency and lack of competence of some Islamic states have brought the Islamic Ummah to a deplorable condition. The global arrogance, motivated by its discriminatory and biased attitude toward mankind and using its political, military, economic and scientific capabilities, has played a major part in creating the present condition for Muslim nations. An instance of this neocolonialism can be seen in the present political, economic and even military campaign of the global arrogance led by the United States against the Islamic Ummah.
In its latest full-scale aggression, the West is even targeting our faith and culture and is seeking to promote its own corrupt culture, which is marked by moral laxity and unethical principles, in Islamic societies. Undoubtedly, the Western civilization itself will soon sink in the quagmire of moral corruption and will be wiped off the face of the Earth.
Because of all these hostilities, the Islamic world is now in a regrettable condition. Most of the Muslim nations are being afflicted with poverty and moral weakness, lack of scientific and technological progress and are under cultural and even political influence of the West.
Besides, some serious issues like those of Palestine, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, Kashmir, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Caucasus have made the duties and responsibilities of the officials of Islamic states much heavier than before.
If Islamic countries consolidate their brotherly relations and strengthen their unity, they will be able to restore the past glory and power of the Islamic world. What can the United States do in the face of a united Islamic world, which stretches from Indonesia to North Africa?
Today, the global arrogance led by the United States is trying to foment discord and division in the Islamic front. Is it not time for us to close ranks and strengthen our unity and solidarity in our own interests?
By invoking the lofty precepts of the Holy Qur'an, the Islamic Republic is eagerly seeking to restore the dignity, power and unity of the Islamic world. Thanks to their strong religious beliefs, the Iranian people have preserved their national unity in a remarkable manner despite all the negative propaganda of the enemies. The public participation in different social, political and cultural activities in our country is also exemplary, and the massive turnout at our presidential elections this year was an instance of this great public participation.
Thanks to the self-confidence that Imam Khomeini infused into our nation, the Iranians have managed to reconstruct their country, which had been kept backward and underdeveloped under the Pahlavi regime and which was greatly damaged during the eight-year Iraqi imposed war. They have now achieved considerable development in various areas.
Above all, the Iranian people have restored their national dignity and political sovereignty and put an end to foreign influence and interference in their internal affairs. They managed to do this by adhering to Islam and through their political awareness.
Today, the whole Islamic Ummah is also thirsty for this self-confidence, dignity and independence. In order to attain these goals, all Islamic countries should join together and make a concerted effort. The officials of Islamic states shoulder a historic responsibility at this sensitive juncture.
Fortunately, there is a suitable ground today for the full independence of the Islamic world and the restoration of its power and dignity. The Organization of Islamic Conference should act as a center for coordinating plans and efforts to accomplish these objectives.
A period of almost 27 years has passed since the Al-Aqsa Mosque was set on fire, an event that led to the establishment of this organization. Today, considering the present circumstances in the world, the Organization of Islamic Conference is expected to fulfill some more serious obligations.
In the first place, the OIC should try to consolidate unity among Islamic countries and promote the common interests of the Islamic Ummah. It should also demand political, economic and financial support from its member states.
Today, the Islamic world's share of the world trade is much less than 20 percent, which is the approximate proportion of Muslim population to the world population. Unfortunately, the trade exchange between Islamic countries constitutes only a small part of this percentage. The OIC should encourage Islamic countries to strengthen their economic relations and increase their trade exchange.
Besides, some countries in the Islamic world enjoy enormous natural resources and high scientific and industrial capabilities, which some other Islamic countries urgently need. This organization can play an effective role in helping Islamic states share their capabilities and resources, so that the whole Muslim Ummah may achieve progress and development.
In order to reactivate and give a fresh impetus to this organization, the collective will of Muslim nations and the financial assistance of rich Islamic countries are needed. The likely opposition of those countries whose interests will be jeopardized by the unity and solidarity of Muslim nations will not be able to pose any obstacles to the performance of this organization.
Currently, the presence of foreign warships, especially those of the United States, in the Persian Gulf, which is an Islamic region and a major source of energy for the whole world, is fomenting insecurity in this part of the world. A powerful Islamic organization can take away the pretexts from foreign powers for their presence in this region and put an end to the disturbances that the alien forces are creating for the regional countries.
If necessary, this organization can itself deploy military forces from Islamic countries to protect the region and ensure peace and security for the nations in this part of the world.
The Muslim minorities in some countries are presently suffering from discrimination, unfair treatment and persecution. Extending assistance to these Muslims is the duty of all Islamic countries. However, in order for this assistance to be extended within the framework of international relations, the existence of an international Islamic organization is necessary. Therefore, the Organization of Islamic Conference can also play an effective role in this regard.
Brothers and dear guests,
Let us make the most of the existing opportunities by invoking the divine assistance and by relying on the divine power. Let us get closer to each other. Let us strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.
The Organization of Islamic Conference should follow up its resolutions until they are fully implemented, so that such gatherings may yield positive results for our nations. Furthermore, the OIC should establish an Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union, turn the dream of an Islamic common market into a reality, and establish an Islamic Tribunal.
Finally, as the representative of some 55 Islamic countries and one billion and several hundred million Muslims in the world, the Organization of Islamic Conference should become one of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. And as long as the power of veto exists, this organization should be the sixth member of the UN Security Council enjoying the power of veto.
The Organization of Islamic Conference should make every effort to realize these objectives in order to ensure a bright and more prosperous future for the Islamic Ummah.
Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings