Thursday, January 11, 2018 12:52:13 AM
Justice and social Responsibility

The Quran lays much emphasis upon maintaining justice in the society.

Justice („Adl) is to be upheld in all aspects of life including the economic one. Those who pursue economic affairs are exhorted to act fairly, truthfully, honestly and in a spirit of co-operation. They are being emphasized to provide a fair description of the goods involved in transaction and ensure that proper standard of measure are used. Those who commit acts of injustice are required to repent. They are being warned that their punishment in the life hereafter will be severe and even in this world they will have to suffer. Many of the prohibited acts in commerce and finance are described as unjust such as dishonesty, cheating, fraud, misrepresentation of things and theft. 
The Muslim society is held responsible for maintaining economic justice both at individual and collective levels. This responsibility functions through the institution of “Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.” (Al-amr bi-al maruf wa nahi an-al munkar) and is regarded by the Quran as essential to social cohesion. Acquisition of Wealth: 
Quran highly encourages economic activities and direct Muslims to enjoy fully the bounties of Allah. The Quran emphasizes repeatedly that all things in the universe belong to Allah. It is He who created them and allowed man to exploit them and placed them at his disposal. However, men should distinguish between 
things lawful and unlawful. Qur‟an ordains that wealth should be acquired by lawful means only and that unlawful ways and means should be discarded altogether: “O you who believe, take not your wealth among yourselves in wrongful ways, but let there be trade among you by mutual agreement...” These “wrongful ways” have been dealt at length by the holy Prophet and the great Jurists of Islam have elucidated them in the books of law. Some of them, however, have been described in the Qur‟an as under: 
a. “And do not eat one another‟s property among yourselves in wrongful ways, nor seek by it to gain the nearness of the judges that may sinfully consume a portion of other men‟s goods and that knowingly.” 
b. “If one of you deposits a thing on trust with another let him who is trusted (faithfully) delivers his trust, and let him fear God, his Lord.” 
c. He who misappropriates (the public money) will come on the Day of Judgment with what he has misappropriated; then shall everyone be given in full, what he earned.” 
d. “The thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands.” 
e. “Those who devour the property of orphans unjustly, devour fire in their bellies, and will soon endure a blazing fire.” 
f. “Woe to the defrauders who, when take the measure from men, exact full measure, but when they measure or weigh for them, give less than is due.”
g. “Those who love that indecent thing should spread among the believers, for them is a painful chastisement, in the life of this world and the hereafter.” 
h. “Force not your slave-girls to prostitution that you may enjoy (some) gain of the present life, if they desire to live in chastity.” And approach not fornication, surely it is shameful deed and an evil way.” “The adulterer and the adulteress, flog each of them with a hundred stripes.” 
i. “O ye believers, wine and gambling and idols and divining arrows are an abomination-of Satan‟s handiwork; so avoid them that you may prosper. 
j. “God has permitted trade and forbidden usury.” “O ye believers fear God and give up what remains (due to you) of usury if you are believers (indeed). If you do not so, take notice of war from God and His Messenger. But if you repent you shall have your principal. Neither you wrong, nor shall you be wronged. If the debtor is in straitened circumstance, give him time till it is easy (for him to pay), and that you remit (the debt) by way of charity, that is the best thing for you, if you only knew.”
Thus Qur‟an prohibits the following ways of acquiring wealth: taking ones property without his consent, bribes, forcible acquisitions, fraud, taking or giving wrong measure, business which spread indecency, prostitution, manufacturing buying selling and carriage of wines, gambling, manufacture buying selling of idols, and business like astrology, foretelling of faith, divination and usury.

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