Wednesday, January 10, 2018 9:56:30 PM
Al-Irtifaq al Awwal (The First Stage of Socio-Economic Development)

In the Irtifaq al Awwal, man becomes acquainted with food stuffs suited for his physical constitution and learns how they are to be eaten and digested, besides the170 Qutub al Din Ahmad ben Abdur Rahim,more commonly known as Shah Waliullah Dehlwi(1702-1763 C.E.) ,lived during the Mughals rule in India.His economic ideas are mainly reflected from his Hujjat Allah al Baligah.In this work he explains the rationale of shariah rules for personal conduct and social organization.
ways of preparing and cooking them. He also becomes aware about different methods of cultivation, irrigation, harvest and preservation. He learns how to benefit from animals, their domestication and their use for different works such as ploughing the land, riding over them and benefiting from their milk, meat and wool. He also learns how to manufacture garments out of animal skin. In short this is an age of fulfilling the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. In this stage the social organization is led by the person who possesses a higher quality of sound Judgment and powers to sub-ordinate others. There is a set pattern of rules to resolve the disputes among people. On intellectual level there are people who discover ways of socio-economic development according to their condition and other people become their followers.


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