The various aspects of Islamic economy according to Sadr are integrated together; besides, the whole economic system is connected with the rest of the religious entities of Islam including the Social, political and other ones. This attachment according to him is so strong that isolation of one aspect from the other give rise to serious problems in the economic life of an Islamic society. Therefore, Sadr emphasizes that various aspects of Islamic economy should be studied together and Islamic economy as a whole should be understood as a part of the general system of Islam. On one hand Islamic economy is connected with the belief system of Islam, which constitutes the basic source of spiritual provision of the religion, on the other hand this connection extends to the sentiment of brotherhood (fraternity). Similarly, the connection between the Islamic economy and the political system in Islam is such that separation of one from the other creates misunderstanding in realizing the goal of both the systems. The wide economic powers enjoyed by the ruling authority in the Islamic state are the outcome of the intimate relationship between the Islamic economy and the political system of Islam. Like-wise the connection between the economic doctrine and the Finance policy of the Islamic state is to such an extent, as may let the financial policy be regarded as the program of the economic doctrine of Islam. The economic policy in Islam has been formulated in such a way as to meet the general objectives of the Islamic economy. It aims at establishing social balance in an Islamic society through general reciprocal responsibility of people and elevating the society to its ultimate destiny. The relation between the prohibition of usury and the other aspects of Islam is also very close. According to Sadr if the prohibition of usury in Islam is studied as a separate component it will give rise to many complicated problems, however, if it is considered as a part of the single interconnected operation, then it will become evident that Islam provides clear solutions to the On the basis of the principle of ‘public reciprocal responsibility’, it is obligatory upon a Muslim to help his Muslim brother in times of need.
problems that emerge as a result of its prohibition. This solution, states Sadr, lies in Mudharibah, social balance and reciprocal responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehend Islamic economics as a part of the entire system of Islam.