Monday, January 15, 2018 10:44:51 PM
Al-Shahid al-Thani

Zayn al-Dīn ben Nūr al-Dīn Alī ben Ahmad al-Amilī al-Jubaī known as al-Shahīd al-Thānī is a descendant of al-'Allama al-Hilli and a grand Shi'a scholar and faqih in the 10th/16th century. Al-Rawda al-bahiyya fi sharh al-lum'a al-dimashqiyya is the greatest works of him in fiqh. He was martyred in 966/1559. He was a widely traveled man and he studied under numerous teachers. He also taught a large number of students in his life.


-Rawd al-jinan fi sharh Irshad al-Adhhan
-Masalik al-afham fi sharh shara'i' al-Islam
-Al-Rawda al-Bahiyya fi sharh al-Lum'a al-Dimashqiya
-Al-Fawa'id al-'amaliyya fi sharh al-nafliyya
-Al-Maqasid al-'aliyya fi sharh al-alfiyyaManasik al-Hajj al-kabir and Manasik al-Hajj al-saghir
-Risala fi sharh al-bismila
-Haqa'iq al-iman
-Manzuma fi al-nahwand its commentary
-Tamhid al-qawa'id al-usuliyya li-tafri' al-ahkam al-shar'iyya
-Ghunya al-qasidin fi istilahat al-muhaddithin.

After al-Shahid al-Thani judged a dispute, he was summoned by Sultan. He asked to make a pilgrimage to Mecca before visiting Sultan. On the way back to Constantinople and before meeting the Sultan, he was beheaded by the sea without Sultan's order. His body was left there and then thrown to the sea. He was martyred in 955/1548, but al-Sayyid Muhsin al-Amin mentioned his death in 965/1558.


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