Monday, January 15, 2018 10:26:29 PM
Muhammad Kazim Khurasani

Muhammad Kārim Khurāsānī , known as Akhund Khurāsānī , was a prominent Shiite authority (marja' al-taqlid) and a scholar of'usul al-fiqh in the 14th/20th century; he was the author of the seminal work in 'usul, Kifaya al-'usul, and was a main supporter of IranianConstitutional Movement (nihzat-i mashruta). His explicit positions in support of the Iranian Constitutional Movement and his serious decision to move to Iran in order to defend the country against the occupation of parts of this land by aliens indicates his resolve against colonialism and despotism. He viewed the Constitutional System as a means to prevent cruelty, and believed that it is an obligation for any Muslim to help this movement. Khurasani issued a fatwa for jihad against Mohammad 'Ali Shah after he bombarded Majlis in 23 ofJumada I in 1326/June 23, 1908.

Akhund Khurasani had many great students, including Mirza Husayn Na'ini, Sayyid Abu l-Hasan Isfahani, Sayyid Husayn Tabataba'i Burujirdi, Muhammad Husayn Kashif al-Ghita',Aqa Diya' 'Iraqi, 'Abd al-Karim Ha'iri Yazdi.


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