Wednesday, June 13, 2018 11:18:56 AM
 Abbas (Pbuh),Moon of Banihashem

The year 26 after Hejra, Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh) was born. His mother was an honorable lady. She was the daughter of Hezam Ibn-e Khalid Ibn-e Rabi’e Ibn-e Amer Kalbi and her nickname was “Ommul Banin”.

Some years after the martyrdom of Hazrat-e Fatemeh (SA), Imam Ali (Pbuh) asked his brother Aqil to offer the marriage proposal to a woman from a brave progeny. Being so knowledgeable in this regard, Aqil wooed Fatemeh Kelabiye (Ommul Banin) for Imam and they got married. Imam Ali (Pbuh) had four sons by her. Their names were as follows: Abbas, Othman, Ja’far, and Abdollah. Abbas (Pbuh) who was the eldest son .All four were loyal to Imam Hossain (Pbuh) and they sacrificed themselves on Ashura ( The 10th of Moharram on which martyrdom of Imam Hossain (Pbuh) took place) along following his way.

Fatemeh Ommul Banin had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet’s progeny that she loved Imam Hossein (Pbuh) more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart. It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said:“ Tell me about Hossein” and when she received the news of Imam Hossain (Pbuh)’s martyrdom she said: “All of the arteries of my heart are torn .May all of my children and what ever that exists under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hossain (Pbuh).”

His Nicknames & Surnames

His auspicious nickname is “Abolfazl” and he was indeed the resource and treasury of divine grace and good attributes. His nicknames are so many some famous of which are going to be explained in the following section:

1- Qamar-e Banihashem (THE MOON OF BANIHASHEM’S PROGENY) This was his most famous nickname. The reason behind that was his good looking face which was resembled to the moon.

2 -Saqqa’(THE ONE WHO BRINGS WATER)This is his another famous nickname. Since he was dealing with bringing water to Imam Hossain (Pbuh)’s camps and supplying Imam’s thirsty children with water, he was given this nickname.

3- Hamel -Ul –Lava’ (THE ONE WHO CARRIES THE FLAGS) This nick name was given to him because he was the one who carried the flag in Imam Hossain (Pbuh)’s troop.

4- Raees-e Askar al – Hossain (THE COMMANDER OF HOSSAIN’S TROOP) This nickname was given to him because he was the commander of Imam Hossain (Pbuh)’s troops.

The Scientific Status of Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh)

Hazrat-e- Abbas (Pbuh) was born in a progeny, which was a place of knowledge and wisdom. He received the lessons from Imam Ali (Pbuh), Imam Hasan (Pbuh) and Imam Hossein (Pbuh) and in this way he could achieve an outstanding position in the scientific matters.

Allameh Abdollah Mamaqani, the scientist and at the same time the researcher, has written about the the scientific and spiritual status of Hazrat Abbas (Pbuh), in his magnificent book called: “Tanqih ul Moqal” which comes respectively: “ He was one of Imams’ children. The one who was a scientist fair, trust worthy, virtuous and pure person.”

The Statues of Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh) from the Imams’ Point of View

If one wishes to find about the status and value of Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh), he could notice the words of those honorable Imams about him:

In the night of Ashura (tenth of Moharram) , when the enemy appeared to confront Imam Hossain (Pbuh)’s Caravan , and Amr Ibn –e Sa’d ( the enemy’s commander) started shouting, Imam Hossain (Pbuh) told Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh) which comes as follows: “ My dear brother, my life would be sacrificed for you get on the horse and go to the members of this tribe and ask them why they are here and what they want.”

There are two important points behind this story: 1- Imam at the time of addressing him says, “My life would be sacrificed for you.” The expression which denotes the greatness of Hazrat-e Abbas(Pbuh), because the innocent Imam never says something which signifies nothing. 2- Imam sends Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh) as his envoy to go to enemy’s troop.

On the day of Ashura when Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh) fell from the horse on the ground, Imam Hossain (Pbuh) stated the sentence which is as follows;” Now my waist is broken and my ingenuity has been decreased”. The sentence shows the importance of Hazrat Abbas (Pbuh) and his role in supporting Imam Hossain (Pbuh).

The Sacrifice & Dedication of Hazrat-e Abbas (Pbuh(

Considering the narration on the rank of Hazrat-e Abbas(Pbuh) which we have received from the Imams all indicate his sacrifice and devotion along with Imam’s ideology, one can find about the status and the rank of this honorable person.

Dedication, sacrifice and devotion in Islam and the Imams’ school of thought holds the special situation so that Imam Ali (Pbuh) in a case considers the sacrifice as the best ethical attribute. And in another situation he considers it as the highest level of praying. And again in another situation he considers it as the resource of all of the ethical attributes.

Imam Ali (Pbuh) in a part of his letter to Hareth Hamedani States: ”Be aware that the best of the believers is the one who sacrifices himself, his property and his family the most.”

According to Islamic point of view and the school of thought of The Holy Prophet’s Progeny, the factor which sorts the good deeds from each other and differentiate their values , is surely the one’s knowledge, point of view and his intention.


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