Saturday, June 16, 2018 2:01:23 PM
Martyrdom of Ammar Ibn Yasir  part 2

On the other hand the traders and the rich of Quraish had spite against Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his message of Islam. Hence, they plotted against Islam and the Muslims. Abu Jahl was the most spiteful polytheist; he mistreated Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers very much.

Initially Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) met the believers secretly in al-Arqam's house. He wanted to keep his religion Islam a secret so that Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan and other polytheists would not hurt the Muslims or followers of Islam. One day Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir came and saw a man, Suhaib standing at the door. Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (Radiyallahu Anhu) said to him: Suhaib, what are you doing here? Suhaib answered: I have come to hear Holy Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) words. And what are you doing? I have come to hear his words, too. Then Ammar ibn Yasir and Suhaib came into al-Arqam's house. They humbly began listening to Allah's words and to the Verses of the Noble Qur'an.

Ammar ibn Yasir's heart was full of belief as streams are full of rain water. When Ammar ibn Yasir and Suhaib wanted to leave al-Arqam's house, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said to them: Stay here till evening. Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was afraid that Quraish would hurt them. Ammar ibn Yasir waited until it got dark. Then he left al-Arqam's house and hurried towards his house. His father Yasir ibn Amir and mother Sumayyah bint Khabbab were waiting for him anxiously. When Ammar ibn Yasir entered, the little house was full of happiness.

He began telling his parents about Islam, Allah's religion. Hence, Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir was one of the earliest converts to Islam, and the first Muslim to build a mosque in his own house in which he used to worship Allah. Abu Jahl heard that Ammar ibn Yasir became a Muslim. So, he got crazy. Abu Jahl led a group of polytheists and went to Yasir's house. Torches were in their hands. They burnt the house and took Ammar ibn Yasir, Yasir ibn Amir and Sumayyah bint Khabbab to a desert outside Makkah. They chained and began torturing them. First, they whipped them till blood flowed out. Then they brought torches and began burning their bodies. But that small family went on their firm belief in Islam. Abu Jahl brought rocks and put them on their chests. They were breathing hard. Still they were believers. It was noon, the heat was intense.

Abu Jahl and the polytheists came back to Makkah. They left Yasir's family in the intense heat of the sun. In the meantime, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) passed by the family. When he saw them he wept and said: Yasir's family, be patient! Your reward will be Paradise! Sumayyah bint Khabbab said with belief: I confess that you are Allah's Prophet. And your promise is true. The criminals came back, Abu Jahl was in advance. There was a long spear in his hand and he began torturing them savagely, until Ammar ibn Yasir, Yasir ibn Amir and Sumayyah bint Khabbab were unconscious.

So the criminals showered them with water. When they gain conscious back, Abu Jahl shouted at Sumayyah bint Khabbab stormily: Praise our gods; dispraise Prophet Muhammad! Sumayyah bint Khabbab spit onto his face and said: How bad you and your gods are! Abu Jahl boiled in anger. Thus, he raised his spear high and stabbed into the belly of Sumayyah bint Khabbab until she died. For this reason, Sumayyah bint Khabbab became the first martyr in the history of Islam. Then Abu Jahl began kicking Yasir ibn Amir on the belly savagely until he died too.

Ammar ibn Yasir saw what happened to his parents and wept. Then Abu Jahl shouted angrily at him: If you don't praise our gods, I will kill you too! Ammar ibn Yasir could not endure that cruel torture. So he reluctantly said: Hubal (an idol) is great! Ammar ibn Yasir praised their idols to save himself from torture.

So they unchained and left him. Ammar ibn Yasir went weeping to Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He was not weeping for his parents or for himself or for the torture he had suffered - he wept because he praised the polytheists' idols. Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) consoled Ammar ibn Yasir on his parent's martyrdom.

 Ammar ibn Yasir went on weeping. Then he said: Allah's Prophet, the polytheists did not release me until they forced me to praise their gods! Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said kindly: Ammar, what about your heart?

Ammar ibn Yasir answered: Allah's Prophet, my heart's certain of faith. Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, don't worry! Allah sent down a verse concerning you: "Not, he who is compelled while his heart is at rest because of his faith." The condition of the Muslims in Makkah became critical. So, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ordered his companions to immigrate to Yathrib (Madina al-Munawara). Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (Radiyallahu Anhu) was one of those who migrated to Yathrib (Madina al-Munawara) following the orders of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

After reaching Yathrib (Madina al-Munawara), Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) first thought of building a mosque so that the Muslims would worship Allah alone. In the meantime it would be a symbol for the Muslims strength and a castle for the Muslim nation. With enthusiasm, the Muslims or Sahaba (Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) began building the Holy Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Mosque in Yathrib (Madina al-Munawara). Some Muslims were carrying dust. Some were making bricks and some were carrying the dried bricks to make the walls.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was also working along with his Sahaba (Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)). Ammar ibn Yasir, though covered with dust, was working actively. Each Muslim was carrying a brick. But Ammar ibn Yasir was carrying two bricks. For this reason, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said to him: They (the Muslims) will get a reward; you will get two rewards.To encourage his Muslim brothers, Ammar ibn Yasir repeated the following enthusiastic words: Those who build the mosque do not equal those who avoid dust.

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