Saturday, June 16, 2018 2:01:22 PM
Martyrdom of Ammar Ibn Yasir  part 1

Days and months passed. Allah, the Glorified, wanted to punish those who persecuted the Muslims in Makkah and robbed them of their belongings and money. The Muslims heard that the polytheists had formed an army.

Abu Jahl headed the army and he was heading for Yathrib (Madina al-Munawara). Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked the advice of his Sahaba (Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)). Finally, he took a decision to face the polytheists. Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sent Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir and Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud to get him information about the polytheists' army.

Ammar ibn Yasir was brave. He approached the polytheist's caravans and went round their camp to collect information. Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir and Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud came back to Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and informed about their low spirits. In the morning, when the polytheists woke, they found strange footprints. Munbih bin al-Hajjaj had a good knowledge of footprints, said: By al-Lat and al-Uzza (idols), these are Ammar ibn Yasir's and Abdullah ibn Mas'ud's footprints. On the morning of 17th Ramadan, 2 AH, the great Battle of Badr, the first battle in the history of Islam, took place. In this battle of Badr, Allah granted the believers victory over the polytheists. Ammar ibn Yasir was fighting with enthusiasm.

When the polytheists escaped, Ammar ibn Yasir saw Abu Jahl. So, he remembered those days when Abu Jahl tortured the Muslims and tortured his parents. Now, the swords of the persecuted got revenge on the unjust. Ammar ibn Yasir looked at the sky and thanked Allah, then Glorified, for his victory. Now, Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir was sixty years old. However, he was more eager than the young men to strive for Allah. Ammar ibn Yasir deeply believed in Allah. He loved the Prophet of humanity, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also loved his old friend, Ammar ibn Yasir and praised him on several occasions. Many traditions are narrated from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) about Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (Radiyallahu Anhu) regarding his virtues, outstanding traits and his glorious deeds, such as the tradition which Hazrat Ayesha and other have narrated that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself had said that: "Ammar was filled with faith from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet." In another tradition the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said about Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (Radiyallahu Anhu): "Ammar is with the truth and the truth is with Ammar.

He turns wherever the truth turns. Ammar is as near to me as an eye is near to the nose. Alas! A rebellious group will kill him." Also in the decisive and widely known tradition which al-Bukhari, at-Tirmidhi, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and all the narrators of Islamic traditions and historians transmitted through twenty-five Companions that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said about Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (Radiyallahu Anhu): "Alas! A rebellious group which swerves from the truth will murder Ammar. Ammar will be calling them towards Paradise and they will be calling him towards Hell. His killer and those who strip him of arms and clothing will be in Hell."

Days, months and years passed. Hazrat Ammar ibn Yasir (Radiyallahu Anhu) was one of the most trusted and loyal companion (Sahabi E Rasool) of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), he was always with Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and always striving for Allah against the enemies of Islam and humanity. Ammar ibn Yasir (May Allah be pleased with him). In 11 AH, Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) passed away. On that occasion, all Muslims became sad. Ammar ibn Yasir wept over his old friend, Allah's Prophet and remembered the days of his youth in Makkah and the days of Jihad (struggle).

Ammar ibn Yasir (may Allah be pleased with him) stayed loyal to Islam. He was always striving for the religion Islam and saying the word of truth. He was not afraid of anyone but Allah. Ammar ibn Yasir loved Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) because he heard Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saying: Ali, no one loves you but a believer and no one hates you but a hypocrite. Ali, you are in the same position with respect to me as Harun was to Musa except there is no Prophet after me. On the farewell Hajj pilgrimage, Ammar ibn Yasir saw Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taking both arms of Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) and raising them high, he said: Whoever, I am the master of, this man, Ali is his master.

Allah, befriend whoever befriends him, be hostile to whoever opposes him. Support whoever supports him and desert whoever deserts him.

 For this reason, Ammar ibn Yasir thought that Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) would be the Caliph after Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Anyhow, Abu Bakr Siddique became the first Caliph after Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). But some companions opposed Abu Bakr Siddique Caliphate. Ammar ibn Yasir too opposed Abu Bakr Siddique Caliphate. And he stood by Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) and Fatima al-Zahra, the daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Ammar ibn Yasir (May Allah be pleased with him) devoted most of his time to the life of Jihad (Struggle). He took part in the Muslims conquest battles. He also fought bravely against the apostasy in Yemen. When Umar bin al-Khattab became the second Caliph after Abu Bakr Siddique, he appointed Ammar ibn Yasir to rule over Kufa, Iraq. In Kufa, Iraq Ammar ibn Yasir treated people according to Allah's law.

And the people were pleased with his just, merciful and humble treatment. In 23 AH, Umar bin al-Khattab was assassinated. Some Muslims had come to Umar bin al-Khattab, earlier, and asked him to appoint a Caliph after him.Caliph Umar bin al-Khattab decided that the Caliphate had to be Shura (consultation). So, Umar bin al-Khattab elected six Sahaba (Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) They were Ameerul Momineen Ali (as), Usman bin Affan, Talha, Zubair, Abdul Rahman bin Auf and Saad bin Abi Waqqas. Umar bin al-Khattab ordered the persons to hold a meeting in one of their houses to appoint one of them caliph within three days. Ammar ibn Yasir hoped that they would elect Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) because of his long Jihad (Struggle), his blood relation to Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his knowledge, his outstanding merits and his priority in Islam.One day passed, second days passed. But there was no result.

There was serious competition between Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) and Usman bin Affan for the Caliphate. Some companions such as al-Miqdad, Ammar ibn Yasir, Abdullah ibn Abbas, and others stood by the house. They hoped that Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) would be elected. Banu Umayyah stood by the house, too. They hoped that Usman bin Affan would be elected. To make Abdul Rahman bin Auf hear, Ammar ibn Yasir loudly said: If you want to see the Muslims in agreement then appoint Ameerul Momineen Ali (as). To support Ammar ibn Yasir, al-Miqdad said: Ammar ibn Yasir has told the truth. If you appoint Ameerul Momineen Ali (as), we will hear and obey him. Abdul Rahman bin Auf's ambition was to be a caliph.

He refused to appoint Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) because Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) would not hand him the Caliphate later on. So, Abdul Rahman bin Auf appointed Usman bin Affan to hand him the Caliphate after his death. Thus Usman bin Affan became the third Caliph. Ameerul Momineen Ali (as) went out after he had said to Abdul Rahman bin Auf: This is not the first time when you support each other against us! But patience is good and Allah is whose help is sought for against what you describe. By Allah, you have appointed Usman bin Affan caliph to hand you the Caliphate. Ammar ibn Yasir was very unhappy for the Ahlul Bayt because they were worthier of Caliphate than other people and because Allah kept away uncleanness from them and purified them thoroughly. After six years of Usman bin Affan's Caliphate, the Caliph gradually deviated from Islam and from Holy Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) teachings. Usman bin Affan appointed his blood relatives rulers over the cities. They were bad, unjust persons.

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