In the name of God of Hussein
I had decided to write few lines about these days (Ashura)… but the grief stopped me…
I wanted to write about Hussein and his greatness … but tears stopped me…
I wanted to write about Abbas and his exceptional bravery, but my hands, being ashamed of his mutilated hands, stopped me…
How could one depict all this gracefulness?
How could one write about all that beauty?
How could one witness all that patience and resistance and keep calm?
This greatness is unbelievable… This resistance and sacrifice… This strong faith…
Only the greatness of Ashura can depict such a beautiful scene in only half a day.
The secret of Hussein’s immortality is the goodness, patience, loyalty, and bravery in the desert of Karbala.
O, Zeinab!
What have you been through during these days?
How patient you were… What hardships you have endured … What sufferings have you borne…
Peace be upon your wounded body and your agonized heart…
How courageous you took care of what you had been trusted with!
How shining you were beneath those clouds of doubt and hesitation!
How brave you were in your eloquent remarks.
God bless you, you courageous woman of Karbala!
Greetings to you…
Say hello to the most purified people on my behalf…
Greetings to you, the little daughter of father! Greetings to the numerous injuries on your feet…
Greetings to you, Rogahye, for finding your father’s beheaded body in two pieces; head on the sword, and body in the desert…
Greetings to you, Hussein! You, embodiment of love and freedom!
Greetings to you, Hussein! And to the purified souls of those who stood by you!
Greetings to you, Ali-Akbar! And to your steadfast youth hood!
Greetings to you, Ali Asghar! And to your thirst!
Greetings to you, Abulfazl, and to your exceptional bravery… Greetings to your loyalty, you great man!
Greetings to you, Zeinab!
Greeting to you… Greetings…