1- Thousands of camels carried her merchandise.
2- A green silken pavilion was hoisted on the roof of her house as a sign of wealth, and a gesture for the poor to refer for help.
3- Almost four hundred servants worked for her. (8)
After marriage with the Prophet (PBUH) Khadijah gave all her wealth to Muhammad (PBUH) and said: “My house is yours and I am your servant.” (9)
After the marriage of Khadijah and making Muhammad a partner in her wealth, her uncle Varaghat ibn Nofel went to Kaba, stood in between Zamzam and Ibrahim’s place, addressing the people said: “You Arabs! Know that Khadijah calls you to bear witness that she has donated all her wealth including the servants and maidens, properties, livestock, dowries and all her gifts to Muhammad (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) has accepted them all. This donation is because of Khadijah’s affection toward Muhammad (PBUH). Today, you stand witness for this.” (10)
And the Prophet of Islam spent all this wealth for advancement of Islam and its objectives. In this connection, he said: “No wealth raised greater benefits for me than Khadijah’s wealth.” (11)
6- Unparalleled Patience
A person like Khadijah, who had grown up in wealth, must have been pampered and infirm, but after her marriage with the Prophet (PBUH) she was prepared to tolerate all hardships. Tolerating pressures by the Quraysh infidels, rebukes by the relatives and economic embargo at She’b Abi Talib bothered her very much at her old age (63-65) but she manifested great patience. Bent al-Shati said: “Khadijah was not young enough to easily tolerate those hardships. She was not a person to experience hard livelihood in her young life, but she managed to tolerate all hardships at the siege to her death.” (12)
Ali was Muhammad’s brother and one of the most beloved people to him and to Khadijah. She sent aids to Abu Talib’s house every day.