Tuesday, February 13, 2018 7:11:54 PM
The book of Intelligence and ignorance (11)

A number of our people has narrated Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khalid from certain persons of his people in a marfu‘ manner from the Holy Prophet (s.a) who has said the following. 
"Allah has not distributed anything among people more excellent than intelligence. The sleeping of a person of intelligence is better than the worshipping of an ignorant person for the whole night. Staying of a person of intelligence at home is better than the journeying of an ignorant person in search for success and good deeds. Allah did not sent any prophet or messenger before the completion of his intelligence and to let it become better than the intelligence of all of his followers. Whatever a prophet preserves in his soul is better than the achievement of all the striving people for virtue and good deeds. People would not fulfil their obligations to Allah without having an understanding about Him. All the worshippers will not be able to achieve with the virtue of their worships what a person of intelligence achieves. It is the people of intelligence who are considered as people of proper understanding in chapter 2:269 of the holy Quran, "Only People of understanding realizes this."

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