Friday, June 15, 2018 9:14:23 PM
Iran with culture of Mahdism and reappearance of savior

The Islamic Revolution of Iran has certain characteristics, which have made it distinct and unique in comparison to other revolutions. This revolution brought many achievements. Social justice, religious democracy, independence, authority and influence, dignity, and creating Islamic unity and solidarity are among its most important components.

Our Islamic revolution has triumphed over the tyranny through Islamic unity and brotherhood. The continuation of this revolution, too, is certainly dependent upon the preservation of this unity and avoiding any kind of division. 

The noble and glorious nation of Iran as the centerpiece of Islamic unity and brotherhood, inspired by the Holy Quran and the Ahlulbayt, overthrew the tyrannical regime. 

Imam Khomeini, the great founder of the Islamic Revolution, insisted that there would be no controversy if all the prophets were living together. The reason is that they all invited people to obey God and not themselves. The important issue of the Islamic world today is that the seniors and leaders of current Islamic branches, based on their wisdom and prudence, should obey the verses of the Holy Qur'an. Instead of inviting people to themselves and creating tensions, which will eventually create the takfiri-terrorist satanic schools, they should invite all people to God, and they must heed the Holy Prophet’s instruction who said: “Unity isa blessing, while division is agony”. 

Relationship of the Islamic Revolution with the Culture of Mahdism 

Believing in the promised savior and hope of having a better future is not restricted to a specific religion, nation or certain people. All religions and nations of the world agree on this concept in different ways; and this unanimity can be the basis for the realization of the universal government of Imam Mahdi (pbuh). 

The issue of Mahdism and the realization of the universal governmentthat will promote justice worldwide is one of the most important common points between Shiites and Sunni brothers although there are minor differences with regard to the emergence of the savior. However, the common points are more than the cases of controversy. Therefore, in the light of the commonalities and IslamicUnity, we are obliged, by adhering to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet's Infallible Household, to confront the enemies of Islam who seek to sow the seeds of disagreement between Shiite and Sunni brothers. 
At this critical juncture when the United States and global Zionism with the help of the evil regime of Al Saud endeavor to break up the Islamic countries and create divisions and differences, we must be alert and reveal the conspiracies of the enemies. 

It has been proved that solidarity, unity, and brotherhood among Muslim combatants has been the key element for the victory of the Islamic Revolution as well as the victory of the Islamic Resistance against Takfiri terrorist group of ISIS and its supporters. 

Certainly, the continuation of the revolution and its achievements as well as the continuation of Islamic dignity, authority and prestige shall be achieved in the light of the unity of all Muslims and those who care for Islam. 


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