Wednesday, June 13, 2018 2:42:55 PM
Principle of Observing

The Honorable Prophet himself was a follower of Divine Law

Significance of Observing the Limits set by God in Character of Honorable Prophet (PBUH)

The honorable prophet of Islam was sentinel of the rights and limits, observer of sanctuaries and boundaries, and protector of laws and Divine criterions. He did not take it lightly and he  had  never  committed  even  a  slight violation in this regard. Imam Hussein (A.S), the doyen of martyrs  said: “I  inquired  my  father  about  conduct undertaken by holy prophet outside of his house.”‌  At this he replied: “He neither neglected the truth, and nor violated it”‌. Ibn Sa'd and Balazari has narrated by Imam Hussein (A.S),  the  doyen  of  martyrs  and  Imam 'Ali (A.S)  the prophet as following:

“He did not take the truth slightly and he had never stepped over the boundaries of Religion”‌


Honourable prophet (PBUH) never played down the truth and he had never stepped over the boundaries of religion. Ibn  Sa'd  has  narrated  from 'Ayeshah  who  gave  her comments about the conduct and character of the holy prophet as following:

Whenever the holy prophet had an option to choose a task between of two, he used to adopt simple and easier one if it were not a sin.  If it were a sin or a prohibited action from perspective of Dive law he had prevented from it more than any other.  The prophet of God (PBUH) never retaliated for his personal matters except in some cases where the limits set by God were subject to a danger. In such a situation he used to carry out the penalties set by God.

The holy prophet was a protector of the limits set by God, and he used to observe limits and boundaries and made the rule of law dominant in its all aspects. The sayings of Late Imam's in this regard are as under: “It has been narrated with regard to ethical attitude of the holy prophet (PBUH) that he used to show his anger against tyranny and if Divine sanctities were the subject to an offence. In such circumstances, he used to show his wrath for the sake of God, the almighty.”‌

The prophet of God was more committed to Divine limits and religious regulations than any other. He did not step over any of Divine boundaries and he had never violated the law. Imam Khomeini said in this regard:

“The rules of Islam or the commands of God have a right to an absolute rule over all individuals and the Islamic Government.

All the individuals including the holy prophet (PBUH) himself and his caliphs (infallible Imams) are also subject to eternally follow Divine law.”‌

The messenger of Justice neither went against Divine laws nor did he consider himself beyond the law. God has also showed his firm stance in this regard and addressed to his messenger as following:

“And if he had fabricated against us some of the sayings, we would certainly have seized him by the right hand, then we would certainly have cut off his aorta, and not one of you could have withheld us from him.”‌

Imam Khomeini (R.A) presents his analysis with regard to role of the holy prophet in undertaking Divine Limits and respecting the rule of law.  In this regard he says:

The rule of law has the right to rule in Islam. The honorable Prophet (PBUH) himself was a follower of Divine law and he himself could not violate it. God, the almighty, affirmed that if he had fabricated against us some of the sayings, we would certainly have seized him by the right hand, and then we would certainly have cut off his aorta.”‌

Subsequent to observing into the character and conduct of the holy prophet; we come to a conclusion that none is beyond the rule of law and he himself was the best example of such a commitment.

“Islam is the religion of law and it observes rule of law to such an extent as the holy prophet himself neither could step over the law, he nor thought of its violation.  God, the almighty, addresses his prophet as if he had fabricated against the will of God, then He would certainly have cut off his aorta. The right to rule does not exist for anyone except for undertaking Divine laws.”‌

Despite of being head of the Islamic state, the holy prophet had neither uttered even a single expression nor set a law and issued a command on his own part, but he was assigned to implement Divine Law.

In this way, individuals and society can pave the way to wellbeing and adopt a functional phase where all type of relations and interactions are healthily established, and healthiness and prosperity for all are guaranteed.

Imam 'Ali (A.S) the commander of faithful in this regard said: “If you undertake the limits set by God, the Almighty, in return, He will also bless you with his promised bounties and mercies.”‌

The bounties and blessings of God can shower upon the mankind if they are supposed to observe the limits set by God, undertake his sanctuaries and take care of Divine measures and Laws, and ultimately all these factors are decisive in hastening the advent of promised one.

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