Wednesday, June 13, 2018 2:42:52 PM
Principle of Leading a Simple Life part 2

The Holy Prophet is a perfect exemplar of leading a simple life Imam Ali (A.S) said in description of his character as following:

Perfect Exemplar of Leading a Simple Life

The Holy Prophet is a perfect exemplar of leading a simple life Imam Ali (A.S) said in description of his character as following:

“Certainly, in the Prophet of Allah, is a sufficient example for you. The Prophet used to eat on the ground, and sat like a slave. He repaired his shoes with his hand, and patched his clothes with his hand. He would ride an unsaddled ass and would seat someone behind him.”‌

The prophet of mercy and justice used to lead a very simple life in all of its aspects. Although it is natural that ways of living are a subject to change and passes through an evolution by the passage of time, yet the boundaries of leading a simple life remain constant.  The values such as preventing from extravagances, squandering, wastage and excessiveness, and living a life of chastity, contentment, sufficiency and hardworking are required for all the ages. The holy prophet was an excellent and perfect exemplar to lead such a simple life. He undermined all of the formal protocols. His seating was arranged in such a manner that the distinctions had not been observed between him and his companions. He used to simply take a seat among the circle of  his  companions  and  none  of  the  priorities  were observed. It has been narrated by Anas Bin Malik: “We were supposed to sit in a circle if we had come to see the holy prophet”‌ The holy prophet used to sit among a circle of his companions as if it had not any priority over others. It was not easy for a stranger to distinguish between holy prophet and others. It has been reported by Abu dhar, he said: “The prophet of Allah used to sit among the circle of his companions with no distinctly. If a stranger entered their circle he was not able to recognize the prophet unless he asked others”‌. The late Imam presents a clear picture of this custom and tradition adopted by the holy prophet as following:

“Whoever has written about how the Holy Prophet himself actually lived, has told of how he in fact led a life more simple than that led by the ordinary people in Medina at the time…

He used to ride a donkey and would seat a passenger behind himself. He would discuss religious issues with his passenger during their journey and would give him instruction and guidance. Now just name one governor, one chief of police, one village headman who is like this, who behaves toward the people as did the Prophet. It is related that when the latter used to go to the   mosque”‌ ”‌which   is   where   governmental administrative affairs were conducted”‌ ”‌and he used to sit and talk with the people there, anyone who did not know the Prophet and entered the building would not be able to distinguish who was the ruler and who were the ruled, who was the Prophet and who was not.”‌‌

All life of the holy prophet including his Meccan period””earlier than becoming a ruler and Medina's Era”” after becoming the Islamic ruler passed in this way. He did not store any of worldly material assets, or palace dwellings for him. Imam Ali, the leader of faithful in this regard said:

“Allah made Muhammad (PBUH) a sign for the Day of Judgment, a conveyor of tidings for Paradise and a Warner of retribution. He left this world hungry but entered upon the next world safe. He did not lay one stone upon another (to make a house) until he departed and responded to the call of Allah. How great is Allah's blessing in that He blessed us with the Prophet as a predecessor whom we follow and a leader behind whom we tread.”‌

Imam Khomeini (R.A) has given a description of this legacy and custom of the holy prophet as following:

“The holy prophet used to lead a very simple life. He never took an advantage of his position or status in promoting his material life or leaving huge inheritance behind him. He left the legacy of knowledge which has priority over all other matters,  especially  the  knowledge  granted  by  God,  the Almighty.”‌

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