Wednesday, June 13, 2018 2:42:33 PM
The Principle of Devoting to Worship

The messenger of God was more committed to saying prayers than any other worship. He used to say his prayer with a great devotion as the prayer was the most comprehensive form of worship to him.

The messenger of God was more committed to saying prayers than any other worship. He used to say his prayer with  a  great  devotion  as  the  prayer  was  the  most comprehensive form of worship to him.

“The men holding inner knowledge believe that all and entire worships are observed as a praise for God, the Almighty, and each of these is considered as a kind of praise, or holy names of truthful God, but the prayer is a praise of truthful God comprehensive of all of his names and attributes.”‌

The holy prophet used to maintain and say his prayers in such a way as his devotion never seemed an end. His heart was filled with spiritual lights of mid-night prayers and he used to pave his way to Allah by this source, and he used to advise to his followers:

“Your main concern should be saying your prayer and you must exert your efforts in this regard”‌.

It has been narrated various traditions with regard to how the prayers and mid-night prayers were said by the holy prophet, and all these reflect his devotion to perform perfect   worships   and   his   constant   engagement   and commitment for saying prayers. Late Imam has recoded a part of tradition which shows how the holy prophet used to say his mid-night prayers:

“Honorable Prophet used to keep some water for ablution close to his bed on the nights, and he used to cover the pot of the water. He used to clean his teeth with a brush (made of some herbal) and took an ablution. He used to say four Rak'ahs (a unit in a prayer) and then he used to take some nap. Afterward, he used to get up again from sleep, and cleaned his teeth with a brush made of some herbal, and took an ablution and said his prayers”‌.

The worships of the holy prophet were purified of any formality or artificiality and cleansed of any trouble or fatigue, but it was full of spirit and spiritual devotion. Imam Khomeini in this regard writes as following:

“Each of the worships and religious rites not only contains a heavenly and spiritually forms, and physical outcomes of these are called as building up of the heaven, Hإ«ri and handsome lads dwelling in paradise, as it has been reported in Hadiths and confirmed by some arguments, but each of these worships also leave a certain impact on soul, and to eventually make our soul stronger and its power turns to a perfect one. As a result, if the worships contained some suffering even then these would be desired, as the hardest slogs are the best of all other tasks.2 It seems necessary to bring an example in this regard. For instance; on a cold night of the winter season, to sacrifice some of sweet nap, and to undertake an uprising for the worship of God, the Almighty, make the soul dominant over a physical body and turns the determination to stronger one. And if it were a bit harder and undesirable at an outset, but eventually a reduction in hardships would be felt. In this way, an increase in following the soul by the physical body is seen. As we have seen that the men of God ones perform it without any hardships and sufferings. We show signs of laziness and it is harder and more difficult for us because we do not take some steps forward in this regard. If we were supposed to get it done for sometimes then gradually the hardships would had turned to an easier task. The men of God take pleasure more from worship of God than what we take pleasure by satisfying our worldly carnal desires.”‌The  worship of  the  honorable  prophet  was  not performed by an addiction or negligence, and it was beyond the  worship  of  the  bondmen  and  traders,  but  it  was performed by devotion and mystic zeal and zest. Imam Khomeini (R.A) has recorded some of hadiths and interesting points in this regard:

“Imam Baqir (A.S) said: The holy prophet was with 'Ayeshah (one of the wives of the holy prophet) on one night. She asked: Why do you exert efforts to such an extent and put yourself in trouble while you have been blessed and forgiven. At this the holy prophet said: O, 'Ayeshah! Should I not become a thankful servant to my God?”‌

You might know that 'Ayeshah had imagined that the secret of worships was a subject to having the fear of chastisement, or omit of some sins, and she had also thought the worship of the holy prophet like other common people. Therefore, she made an objection that why the prophet had put himself in trouble. This thinking was outcome of her ignorance to worship and adoration. She did not know very well the status of prophethood due to her ignorance on the status of the holy prophet which was beyond of certain types of worship such as the worship of bondmen and tradesmen. Praising to the Glory  of  God,  the  Almighty,  and  expressing  his gratitude for endless bounties had snatched rest from the holy prophet. The worships performed by sincere and devoted  friends  of  God  are  a  plan  toward  endless manifestations of adored one and it has also been pointed in the prayer of mi'raj (occasion of prophet's ascending to the heavens).

The holy prophet used to see the worship with a devotional and a mystical look, as all forms of his worships were inspired by such an approach, and this concept was manifested through all of his adorations.


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