Sunday, June 10, 2018 1:06:31 PM

It is upto the people to follow the great Prophet (PBUH) closely and learn what the Holy Qur’an taught him. In this way people could arrive at the worldly prosperity and could benefit abundance in the Hereafter. In doing this, they could avoid going astray. God Has made our obligations clear. There is no excuse for anybody, however.

Concerning the Prophet's right mannerisms, generosity and pardoning, Imam Ali (A.S) has said:

Among the prisoners-of-war of the tribe called Tei who were brought into Medina there was a girl who told the Prophet (PBUH): O Muhammad, what would happen if you made me free so that I could escape the reproaches of the Arab tribes. I say this because I am the tribal chief's daughter. My father used to protect and give shelter those who lacked it. He used to free the Prisoners-of-war. He used to supply the travellers with food; he would greet others and would never let any needy go without his need having been met. I am the daughter of Hatam Ta'ee.

The Great Prophet (PBUH) replied: O girl, what you said are the characteristics of a true believer. If your father were a Moslem, I would ask God's blessings for him. Then the Prophet (PBUH) added: let the girl be free because her father loved good mannerism and Allah loves good morals.

When the girl was being freed, Abu Bardat Ibn-e Dinar rose from his place and asked the Great Prophet (PBUH). O, Messenger of God, Does God love good morals? The Great Prophet (PBUH) replied: I swear to God, in Whose power lies my life, that only the possessors of good morals may enter the paradise.

Then the Prophet(PBUH) added: Among the good morals that Islam recommends are the following: proper association with people, being generous towards them, being lenient to them, and treating them amicably; spreading among people the right ways of living, and feeding them; being the first in greeting them; paying visits to the sick, whether the sick person is a well-wisher Moslem, or a sinner; taking part in the Moslem's funeral processions; treating the neighbours kindly, whether they are Moslems or not; paying respects to the senior citizens; accepting people's invitations and inviting them; pardoning people; reconciling two disagreeing persons, being honourable and magnanimous; making sacrifices; suppressing one's anger and rage and then pardoning the wrong-doer.

Islam has prohibited the following features and considers them among sins:

Performing useless actions; involving in music and songs of any sort; treason, hypocrisy, and unfounded revenge; telling lies, back-biting, jealousy, greed, injustice, aggression, tricks, eavesdropping, agitating people, lack of association with relatives, being bad-tempered, pride, selfishness, improper praise of others, cursing others, spite and animosity, theft and aggression.

Anas says: The Prophet (PBUH) never refrained from giving us the right pieces of advice; he always recommended that we carry out the right things. A good sample of what the Prophet (PBUH) believed in was the following sacred verse from the Holy Qur’an:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ بِالْعَدْلِ وَالإِحْسَانِ وَإِيتَاءِ ذِي الْقُرْبَى وَيَنْهَى عَنْ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنكَرِ وَالْبَغْيِ يَعِظُكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ

“Surely Allah enjoins the doing of justice and the doing of good to others and the giving to the kindred, and He forbids indecency and evil and rebellion; He admonishes you that you may be mindful. 16:90”‌

We should, however, be aware of the fact that the Prophet (PBUH) possessed all the high standards of morals prior to teaching them to others; in the same way, he did not have the pernicious features that he advised people to avoid.

Moaz says: The Prophet(PBUH) told me: I recommend to you that you be pious in all worldly affairs; that you get involved in honesty and decency; that you keep your promises; that you do not take part in treason; that you respect your neighbours; that you treat the orphans generously; that you be amicable in speech; that you volunteer to be the first in greeting people; that you take part in good deeds; that you curtail your wishes; and that you be faithful. The Prophet(PBUH) recommended the following, as well: the understanding of the Qur’an, the love for the Hereafter; the fear of the Resurrection Day; being humble; avoiding cures; to avoid refuting the teller of the truth and confirming the liar; not obeying the sinner; to avoid disobeying the just leader; and to avoid performing sins and corruption. The Prophet (PBUH) recommended that I repent secretly for any sin I have performed secretly.

This is how the Prophet (PBUH) invited people to the proper mannerisms, piety, and good deeds.

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