Saturday, June 9, 2018 12:28:17 PM
The Luminous Gem of the Ka"ba

Whose born is similar to Ali"s (AS), who was born in Ka"ba?

Which birth, is like thirteenth of Rajab that has bestowed a pearl in the shell of existence upon the universe?

     Whose mother has given birth to a child like Ali (AS)?

 Who was born and was martyred in Allah"s house like him?

    Which school has introduced an example like Ali (AS) to its followers?

    Which religion enjoys a trainee and a trained person like Ali (AS)?

    All through history where a leader like Ali (AS), the manifestation of perfection, can be found?

    Who was the soul of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and accepted his invitation by all his heart?

    Who slept in the Prophet"s bed at the night of Hijra except Ali (AS)?

    Which hero but Ali (AS) accepted to be wounded by eighty injuries of love for defending the friend of Allah, Muhammad (SAW) in the Battle of Uhud?

Which man was  worthy of Fatima"s (SA) hand but Ali (AS)?

    Which deep sea could be contained in Ghadir like Ali (As)?

    Which leader could give holiness and respect to leadership and Velayat?

    Which exemplar is unique like Ali (AS)?

    Which book needs not to be explained except Ali (AS)?

    Which notebook has a prologue written by Allah except the book of Velayat?

Which complete poetical work is composed by Allah except Ali (AS)?

    The sun of Ali"s (AS) love makes the heart of lovers of virtue/superiority bright. All the hearts belong to him. Any guided soul makes the love of his light as guidance in the way of his/her life.

    Loving Ali (AS) is an alchemy that changes the hearts and lives. The sun of loving Ali (AS) has glowed the world beyond the layers of times and the clouds of centuries. Why should not be like this, as he was the essence of existence, the summary of life, the holder of paradoxes and superiorities and the treasure of high values.

    His name is the ornament of history. It gives power to children when they want to stand. It also bestows hope to disappointed and makes the heart-broken people happy.

     The hearts of heroes and generous people reflect Ali"s face like a mirror.

     He is as galaxy in greatness, honesty and submission.

     Ali"s (AS)  Love raises up the spring, donates the sun of brightness and supplies the fountain of affection.

     Ali"s (AS) affection raises the orphans and dehiscences them to blossom.

     His patience calms the volcanoes.

    His generosity calmed down the tears of the sister of Amre ibn Abdevad when he was killed.

    The generosity of Ali (AS) brought hope to Ibn-e-Moljam"s life.

    Ali"s (AS) forgiveness caused his enemies to be extremely embarrassed.

    His bravery eliminates the name of brave people.

    His generosity clears the memory of Hatam Ta"aee, the symbol of generosity in the world.

    His presence interpreted the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

    His prostration in worship was incarnation of submission.

    Ali"s (AS) lifetime expressed life and his life gave spirit to existence.

    His way was the pattern for going and existing.

    Ali"s (AS) speechmade eloquence fruitful.

    The behavior of Ali (AS) revived the Prophet"s Sunnah.    

    His action made the Kufa"s palm groves fruitful and green.

    Ali"s (AS) knowledge was the original fountain of every science and knowledge.

    His anger was a very flaming hell for unbelievers (Kuffar) and hypocrites.

    The decisiveness of Ali (AS) decelerated all swords.

    His sword fell down on every enemy once.

   The effect of his bereavement exploded the mountains and changed the seas into hurricanes.

   Ali"s (AS) judgment gave justice true reputations.

   His piety showed that the world is worthless.

   Ali"s (AS) leadership was the example of leadership and pattern of statesmanship.

   His Jihad (holy struggle) made the status of religion firm and fix.

   His innocence consoled all innocent people during human history.

   Ali"s (AS) complaints filled the wells of loneliness.

   The tears of his eyes were the whisper-made spring of silent prayer.

   His prayer taught the Gnostics the mystery of submission.

   Ali"s (AS) prayer and worshipping Allah created Kumail of the world.

   His agreement changed Malik of his own soul to the governor of Egyptian of existence?

   Ali"s (AS) Ammar separated the right and null in the battle of Seffin.

   Ali"s (AS) Meitham became the light of guidance on the gallows.

    Now the time witnesses the evidence of this eternal man and the earth inherits his superiorities.

    Ali"s (AS) Ghadir is still a brimful spring of elixir of life and a stormy sea of generosity.

   The allies and bazaars of Kufa have still hold his footprint track and the voice of his speech in themselves.

   The orphans of history have expected Ali"s (AS) meal and bread. Deprived people have still looked for the generous hands of the Amir al Mu"menin (AS).

   Our hearts are wells full of his letters of irritation, and the sunset reminds us of the 21th of Ramadan. The effect of his bereavement is so tremendous that explodes the mountains and agitates the seas.

   Night is because of his separation still mournful. Ka"bahas worn black clothes in his mourning. The dark sky tears stars in his mourning!

    But..."the gem of the Ka"ba" is always Luminous.

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