Friday, March 30, 2018 4:46:33 PM
Month of Shaban

After Rajab al-Murajab, Shaban al-Moazzam is the second month of Ibadah (worship) in order to make preparations for the grand and majestic month of Ramadhan al-Mubarak - the month of fasting and forgiveness.

Shaban al-Moazzam is a month of high excellence and is dedicated to the Leader of the Prophets, Muhammad (saw). He used to keep fasts during this month and join it with the month of Ramadhan al-Mubarak. He used to say, "Sha'ban is a month dedicated to me. Whoever keeps one fast during my month will definitely go to heaven".

Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) once said, "When his eyes fell on the new moon of Sha'ban, the Messenger of Allah ordered somebody to declare the following to the people of Medina: Oh people of Yathrib! I am Allah's Messenger to you all (carrying this message): Verily, Sha'ban is my month; therefore, may Allah have mercy upon him who helps me undertake my month."

It has also been reported from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) that on the commencement of the month of Sha'ban, Imam Zainul Abideen (as) would gather his companions and address them, "O my companions, do you know which month this is? It is the month of Sha'ban about which Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to say that it is dedicated to him. So keep fasts during this month in the love of your Holy Prophet (saw) and to attain closeness to your Creator. By Allah (SWT) in whose hands is my soul, I have heard from my father, Hussain ibn Ali (as), that he had heard from Commander of Faithful, Imam Ali (as), that whoever keeps fast during the month of Sha'ban in the love of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and to attain closeness to Allah (SWT) will become a friend to Allah (SWT) and on the Day of Judgement will be close to Allah (SWT) by His grace and Paradise will be assured to him."

This is the month of asking for forgiveness of sins, giving alms, charity and fasting. Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to observe fasts during the whole month. Imam Zainul Abideen (as) has said: "Whosoever is in love with Prophet Muhammad (saw), wishes to seek nearness to Allah (SWT) and receive His bounties, favours and rewards in this world and in the hereafter, must connect Shaban with Ramadhan in the matter of fasting and special prayers".

It is also reported from Prophet Muhammad (saw), "Whosoever observes nine fasts in the whole month of Shaban should not fear the interrogation of Munkar and Nakeer. Whosoever observes twelve fasts in the month of Shaban, 70,000 angels will descend over his/her grave on the first night of his burial, the night of Wahshah, to remove his/her fear and loneliness".

Keeping fast on Thursdays of the month of Shaban also carried great significance. It has been reported that the heavens are decorated each Thursday in the month of Sha'ban and the angles pray to Allah (SWT) to forgive all those who fast on that day and their prayers are accepted. It is stated in the reports of the narrations of Prophet Muhammad (saw) that whoever fasts on Mondays and Thursdays of this month, Allah (SWT) will fulfill twenty of his worldly wishes and twenty of his wishes of the Hereafter.

It is recommended to give alms in this month even if it is as small as a half date. Almsgiving in this month brings about rescue from Hellfire. In this respect, it has been narrated that when Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) was asked about the merits of observing fasting in Rajab al-Murajab, he answered, "Why do you not ask about the merits of observing fasting in Sha'ban." "What is then the reward of him who observes fasting on one day in Sha'ban, Son of the Messenger of Allah?" asked the narrator. Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) answered, "The reward will be Paradise. I swear it by Allah (SWT)." The narrator then asked again, "What are the best deeds that should be done in the month of Sha'ban." Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) answered, "Almsgiving and seeking forgiveness are the best deeds in Shaban al-Moazzam. Verily, if anyone of you gives alms in Sha'ban, Almighty Allah (SWT) will breed those alms in the very same way as you breed your small camels. Hence, these alms will be as huge as Mount Uhud on the day of Resurrection."

Recommended Fasts for the Islamic Lunar month of Sha'ban:

1st, 2nd and 3rd of Shaaban. 1st Thursday, Mid-Wednesday and last Thursday of Shaaban. 13th, 14th and 15th of Shaaban.

Any Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Shaaban. The last three days of Shaaban to connect with the Holy month of Ramadhan.

Usamah ibn Zaid inquired: "O Messenger of Allah, I never find you fasting in any month like you do during the month of Shaban." Prophet Muhammad (saw) responded: "That is the month the people neglect. It comes between Rajab and Ramadan. It is a month in which the deeds are raised to the Lord of the Worlds. I love that my deeds be raised while I am fasting."

Other Aamal for the Islamic Lunar month of Shaban al-Moazzam:

Recite everyday 70 times: Astaghfirullaha wa as-aluhut Tawbah (I seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT) and beseech Him repentant).

Recite everyday 70 times: Astaghfirullahal Ladhee Laa ilaaha illa Huwar-Rahmanur-Raheemul-Hayyul-Qayyoomu wa Atoobu ilaihi (I seek forgiveness of Allah who is "There is no god save He", the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Ever-living, the Eternal and I turn repentant to Him).

Give as much Sadaqah (alms) as possible.

Recite Salawaat as many times as possible on Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Recite 1000 times the following Dhikr within the month i.e. divide it throughout the month of Shaaban:

Laa ilaaha illallahu walaa Na'budu illa iyyaahu Mukhliseena Lahud-deen walau karihal-mushrikoon (There is no god save Allah, we do not worship save Him, making religion pure for Him only, however much the disbelievers be averse).

Mid-Sha'ban is the 15th day of the Islamic month of Shaban al-Moazzam. The fifteenth night of this month of the Islamic lunar calendar is known as Laylatul Bara'ah or Laylatun Nisfe min Sha'ban in the Arab world. In India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan, etc., it is known as Shab-e-Barat.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) had said that during the night of 15th Shaaban the Almighty Allah (SWT) takes decisions in the matters of sustenance, life and death and welfare of the people.

Next to the "Night of Qadr" the night of 15th Shaban, Lailatul Barat is the most auspicious night (also known as Shab-e-Barat or Night of Baraat). According to Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (as) and Imam Ja'far bin Muhammad As Sadiq (as), the Almighty Allah (SWT) has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to Him tonight.

Night of Bara'ah or Lailatul Barat is a night in which special blessings are directed towards the Muslims as mentioned earlier. Therefore, this night should be spent in total submission to Almighty Allah (SWT), and one should refrain from all those activities, which may displease Allah (SWT).

In order to observe the Night of Bara'ah or Shab-e-Barat, one should remain awakened in this night as much as he can. If someone has better opportunities, he should spend the whole night in worship and prayer. However, if one cannot do so for one reason or another, he can select a considerable portion of the night, preferably of the second half of it for this purpose.

Shab-e-Barat, Shab-e-Baraat, Laylatul Bara'ah, Shabe Baraat:

Sunni Muslims (except Wahabi/Salafi) observe Mid-Sha'ban as a night of worship and salvation. Sunni narrative is that Allah (SWT) determines the destiny of all people, including whether a person lives or dies, in the coming year and for this reason it is sometimes called the "Night of Emancipation". The night of Shabe Baraat is also called as the night of freedom because Allah (SWT) frees all His sinful servants who were destined for Jahannam (Hell).

Hence, Shab-e-Baraat, the night of reverence and fervour is considered as one of the most sacred nights of the Muslim lunar calendar. It is the night when all the Muslims in the world unite in praying all night long. To mark the holy night Muslims prayed Allah Almighty to remove their worries and shower His blessings on Muslim Ummah. Muslims stayed awaken on the night of Shab-e-Barat and asked for forgiveness for the past year mistakes and prayed for good fortune for future.

The festival of Shab-e-Baraat is celebrated with Religious flavor and enthusiasm by Muslim all over the planet. The followers of Islam believe that on the Night of Shab-e-Baraat Allah (SWT) writes the destinies of all men for the coming year by taking into account the deeds committed by them in the past. Shab-e-Baraat means the night of forgiveness of Day of Atonement. Hence, it is night of accountability for all the Muslims and their performance of last one year in the light of the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah is reviewed.

The prayers during this night carry great importance and value for the Muslims to renew their pledge to lead lives in accordance with the teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah.

It is customary to fast the whole day and before the night's events, Muslims put on dress clothes. They call or visit family and friends' homes to ask for forgiveness and pray for them. Then they visit their ancestors' graves and pray for peace for the deceased souls.

Just in preparation to welcome the Holy Month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak, houses, religious buildings and mosques are illuminated by candles or electric bulbs. Sweets are distributed among the poor and the friends and relatives.

The Shia Muslims spend the entire eve of the 15th of Sha'ban in prayers and worship. Spend the day of the 15th of Sha'ban in celebration, as it marks the birthday of final Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (as). The Shia Muslims believe him to be the Mahdi, an important figure who Sunni Muslims believe will rid the world of tyranny and injustice.

Special Prayers and Aamal for the night of 15th Shaban or Shab-e-Barat:

  • Do Ghusl (ablution) with the thought of washing away sins and as if it's your last Ghusl
  • Keep awake for the full night in prayer as it has many rewards
  • Astaghfirullah Tasbih with attention / Dua-e-Tawba (Repentance)
  • Surah Yaseen
  • Recite Ziyarat of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
  • Recite Dua-e-Kumayl
  • Recite Dua-e-Nudbah
  • Dua-e-Imam al Asr (A.S.)
  1. Recite Tasbih: Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah) --------------------------------------------- 100 times
  2. Recite Tasbih: Alhamdulillah (Praise belongs to Allah) ------------------------------------- 100 times
  3. Recite Tasbih: Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) ----------------------------------------- 100 times

Recite Tasbih: Laa Ilaha illAllah (There is no lord worthy of worship except Allah) --- 100 times


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