Wednesday, May 30, 2018 11:56:02 AM
The Morning Supplication (Du

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. By the Name of Allah and peace of Allah on Mohammed (S.A.W.)

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. By the Name of Allah and peace of Allah on Mohammed (S.A.W.) and His sacred progeny and I entrust my work unto Allah and verily Allah is all seeing for His creatures. "There is no God But You, Glory to You, I was in the dark then We granted him his (Younus (s)) request and redeemed him from the panic and in like manner We redeem the believers".

Suffices Allah, how good and trustworthy and the prospective crusaders returned (as there has been no fight any longer) with grants and the grace of Allah, sins harm and injury. Whatever Allah wishes and there be no might and force except by Allah. Whatever Allah wishes and not whatever the people wish. Suffices the Patron rather than the patronized. Suffices the Creator rather than the creatures. Suffices the Giver rather than the given. Suffices Allah the Patron of Worlds. Suffices the Sufficient from my inception, The Infinite Sufficient suffices Allah, There is no Allah but He. I trust Him and He is the Patron of the Great Empyrean.

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