Current events in the World of Islam and violence against Muslims and the divine religion is without precedent and for want of a better line, recent vandalisms illustrates the veracity of the ways chosen by honest religious clerics in area of unity and Islamic rapprochement in the World of Islam.
It is proven beyond a shadow of doubt that Islamic unity does not refer to quitting one’s path and merging all religions into one. Islamic unity refers to rapprochement and solidarity among Muslims unifying them in spite of their religious differences against Islam’s enemies and foes.
The phrase of “unity between Shiite and Sunni” places accentuation on the standing commonalities among religious sects and denominations, urging Muslims to close to each other via resorting to the existing joint takes and team up for persevering the divine religion of Islam; inasmuch as, they are faced with common foes. In actual fact, Islam’s enemies are against the two foresaid denominations. Considering that, Muslims should rely on their commonalities so as to stand against the enemies resorting to their shared principles for defending themselves.
Nowadays, not only does the potential threat of Zionism regime still remain, but also the regime has concocted a widespread sedition against Islam and Quran. Advanced by various plots hatched by Zionism and its European or American allies, these seditions seek nothing just standing against the divine religion of Islam.
The scheme of Takfiri groups is after destroying Muslims’ lives in various arenas. Whenever they wrest the control of somewhere, they destroy all civilized works under various pretexts. Although this west’s brain child is called Sunni but in point of fact most of its victims have been among Sunnis thus far. Given that warning and informing Muslims against this faked Islamic group which its principles run counter to Islamic instructions and teachings is of prime importance and a necessity.
Shias and Sunnis enjoy quite a few commonalities, they have some differences considering, but these differences should not part them or plunge them into a plagued milieu in which they are standing at each other’s throats. Given that, Muslims should refrain from highlighting minute issues leading to dispersion. With this connection, Islamic scholars play decisive role in restraining Muslims’ unity from dispersion.
According to Allameh Sharafeddin, politics had been the main reason behind Shia and Sunni division, given that in his term, “it [politics] should now be used for uniting them”. What he meant was that the policy of arrogance and the plots concocted by enemies divided Muslims, given that Islamic politics should be used for uniting them.
According to Imam Ali (PBUH), “Back to the history, a untied Ummah was able to gain momentum, dignity, authority and make inroads, but when they forgot God and turned to
materialism, superiority, ethnic and sectarian prejudices, and fought with each other, God took off the dress of honor and dignity from their bodies, depriving them from blessing and prosperity, laying the way for arrogance to control and suffer them. The story of the children of Israel is a case in point; on account of dispersion, they got under the sway of Kasra and Kaiser and were taken as slaves. They were hounded out of productive lands and Tigris and Euphrates and were exiled to infertile lands.
They got mired into humiliation, poverty, and ignorance. God blessed Prophet (PBUH) and Islam, between Ismail and other Muslims to unite and brother of feathers on their dignity they opened their gifts streams flowing back to them, and them with grace and power and glory and his dignity and afforded the stable state so that the person who had the power to break their power. Unfortunately, after such a magnificent migration, Muslims were divided into parties and sects.”
Throughout the history, one of the major strategies for controlling Muslims has been to create division among them. To face this very challenge and arrive at the unwavering goals and objectives set in this arena, unity activists and religious clerics take the cognizance of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s standpoints. His remarks and advices in this realm pave the way for Muslims in a bid to brave the existing Problems they are mired in.
In the area of Unity, Ayatollah Khamenei has played a crucial role in creating unity among Muslims throughout the world. His major step towards this attempt was his fatwa issued in 2010 that prohibits the insulting the sahabas (companions) and the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). According to the statement issued by the Ayatollah: "Insulting the symbols of the Sunni brothers, including Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) wife is forbidden. This includes the women of all prophets and especially the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
What follows here are some of selected lines, stressed by Supreme Leader, which draw attentions to challenges of dispersion among Muslims so as to provide a solid foundation for furthering unity and forming the bedrock of Muslims’ attempt in this area.
“What part Muslims from each other are policies. Political Intent, power-seeking intentions” (Supreme Leaders says in a visit with Islamic countries’ officials and ambassador 1393/07/05).
“Islamic unity, Islamic brotherhood and Islamic solidarity is one of the most necessary and urgent responsibilities for all Islamic societies. All of us should be committed to this responsibility.” (Supreme Leader's Speech on the Occasion Eid al-Ghadir,
“We should not underestimate our power. Power of Islam, power of Quran, Power of faith and power of Islamic Ummah are considerable. Such powers should not be underestimated. They can root out oppression.”(Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Hajj Officials , 07/09/2014)
“For many years, there has been an effort to create discord between Muslims. This is because the existence of discord between Muslims will make them spend their efforts, energy and motivation on domestic fights. This makes them ignore foreign affairs and their great enemies. This has been the major policy of colonialism for many years and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the formation of the Islamic Republic.” (Supreme Leader’s Speech on the Occasion Eid al Ghadir, 13/10/2014)
“In the past, the world of Islam and Islamic nations experienced difficult times, they passed difficult tests and they had many problems. Today, the world of Islam is in a critical situation. However we can witness a bright future amid these difficulties. This future should be seen and dangers should be identified. Promoters, activists, language experts and ordinary hajj pilgrims should do their best to solve the problems of the world of Islam. This should be done by holding discussions and organizing meetings and with exchange of opinions and information.” (Supreme Leader's Speech in Meeting with Hajj Officials 07/09/2014)