Imagine a pond that has been dug in the ground. If the pond water flows from outside to inside in this case it may be less of stability and plurality, but if the water comes from underneath and flow into it, in this case, it may be limpid and durable. The human heart is like a pond, and science, such as water, and the senses are like streams and May the science is achieved through streams of observation and senses to the heart. It is possible to close these rivers and person pay attention to the deep way into the heart and purify it, and the springs of the science flow into it. Imam's knowledge and science is as the second one and the science of other men is the first one. In continue we will examine what factors cause that the science of Imam (peace be upon him) to be different from others' sciences. No doubt the soul of Imam and other humans is the same and their hidden talents are common in their souls and the almighty God has considered the justice in breathing his soul into their spirit and their source of science is common too but Imam can use these resources by constant evolution and praying, but other people, by failing to use all their mental talents and capacities cannot gain access to these resources.
Imam's science is a Miracle
The principles of miracles are three things, because the perfect man has three dimensions: the nature, the soul and the intellect (which is also called the spirit) and each of them has a particular universe and each of them has a perfection and imperfection, and no human (except the perfect man) is perfect in all these dimensions. Perfection of the soul (or virtual wisdom) is in the knowledge of the truth and divine affairs and the perfection of the soul (or imaginary sense) is in receipt of detailed statements and the Perfection of natural dimension is in the capture and conversion of natural materials and changing them. Every prophet is a perfect man in theoretical wisdom and when it is selected as God's messenger, his sensual power and determination is completed too and when he brings a new law, he is perfect in all virtues, so he is like a divine man whose obedience is obligatory after his Lord. Then there are three miracles for a perfect man who is perfect in the triple virtues. "The first miracle is a feature in the the faculty of the practical soul and that is the effective power in the raw material of universe by the removal of one form and creating another form, for example, it can convert air into the cloud and it creates rain or storm from the cloud or it cools and refreshes the fire.
The second miracle is by the power of imagination and that is the vision of the human soul, which is so powerful that enables human to connect him to the world of the occult when he is awake, so he sometimes look at his knowledge as a heard words and sees its source namely the angel who has inspired him as a so beautiful person and sometimes hears his voice as the voice of the unseen person and sometimes an occult fact overcomes his suspicion that he is aware of it. If this question is in a dream, the dream is true and it does not need interpretation. The third miracle that is the highest and noblest characteristics of the prophets, is the perfection of theoretical sense and theoretical wisdom, this means that the wisdom will be purified in such a way that achieves an intense connection to the active intellect (named high and severe teacher) that with Allah's permission, he imparted sciences to the souls and these souls receive sciences without intermediaries like human teacher in a short time.
The presence of Imam's science
What is meant by present science is that the information is revealed to him as an obvious fact. It is intended against the selected sciences that are not obvious, but the its emergence is based on the will and potential, i.e. only when the Imam wants, these information will be revealed to him, as Klein narrates from Abi Abdullah (peace be upon him): "if Imam wants he can be aware of the science" In case of intentional science, the impression arises that the will of the Imam, is based on achieving the divine license and only if he is permitted by the will of God, he can reveal his knowledge and if the Lord does not permit him, he is not allowed in all cases and circumstances and will to reveal his knowledge and his science and his will is also achieved only in specific scenarios. In contrast to the intuitive knowledge that it seems Imam is allowed to know in all cases. The intuitive knowledge is a Queen and it is a perfection that is constructed within and it is never ignored and the sciences of Imams peace be upon them are the same; hence, the narrative should be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with the intuitive knowledge of Imam.
The science of Imam is divine
The sciences of infallible Imams peace be upon them are not achieved neither through lesson and repetition nor by comparison, thinking or something else because they respond difficult questions without thinking and no one has asked them a question except they have received their responses promptly, their education and science is out of people's understanding, and their merits and prayers are like the appearance of light of sun and moon, they are superior in honor to all people and they overcome to all people in the certainty, helpless and failing does not exist for them, and they are far from flaw and weakness, and they are predominant in all traits.
Therefore, the science of Imam is divine and everyone whose science and knowledge has been derived from books and teachers; he is not the heirs of the prophets in their science. The science of prophets is achieved only by the Almighty God, as the holy Quran says, "read and Your Lord is more generous who taught the man what he did not know by pen. And you should not think that the teaching is only for the prophets (peace be upon them), because Allah says: "be pious and God will teach you" means that everyone in his behavior can achieve true piety, God will teach him what he does not know. Divine science can be achieved through Inspiration that is the hidden kind of revelation and it is possible in all levels, at all times and for all people. The more the soul gets closer to moderation, the more inspiration will be received, and this is one of the divine blessings that when the door of prophecy and revelation closes, the door of inspiration opens.
The science of Imam, treasury of divine knowledge
In so many traditions it has been narrated that the imams are the heirs of God, the treasures of science of God and the preservers of revelation of God in heaven and earth.
Mullah Sadra wrote: according to scholars' custom and complies with the law of God, the meaning of the treasury is a sense that maintains the partial or total conceptual forms, so imagination on to them is as well as the treasury that maintains the tangible forms and it is the treasury of superstition and what is followed by it, and the active intellect is the intellectual treasury of science, but the treasury of science of Glorified God, is the intellectual jewelry that is clean from mixing with materials and objects and in the science and reason has a practical perfection, in which no defect exists, so its sciences are not like the forms that are constructed in the heavens because soul in the beginning of his creation is a potential issue about wisdom and to change to the practical wisdom it needs to something to convert the potential wisdom to the practical wisdom because nothing can change itself from the potential sense to practical sense and from defect to perfection and the thing that perfects the soul should be the same practical wisdom and it is perfect naturally otherwise he needs something else to complete himself and then the continuity is obliged that is not possible. Then the existence of the intellectual jewelries is proven by which the souls will complete and change their potential position to practical position and they are and agent between God and people and they are the complete words of God that are immortal.
They accept different names due to various credits including the words of God, the divine universe and the unseen keys of God and His knowledge.
Science without oblivion The holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: “write what I dictate you”, Ali (peace upon him) said, “O Messenger of Allah is it because of my oblivion?”, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “no I am not afraid that you forgot it because I have asked God to protect you from dementia, but this text is for your partners”, he said: “Who are my partners?” He said “the imams from your children”.
Koleyni narrates that the holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) taught all the sciences to Ali (peace be upon him) and then put his hand on his chest and asked God to fill his heart by knowledge, understanding, wisdom and light. Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: “O Messenger of Allah, my mother and father be sacrificed for you, since I asked God not to forget anything, I have not forgotten anything and what you told me write, then, do you think that I may forget anything?” He said: “no I do not fear because oblivion and ignorance will not happen for you.”
The science that is granted to them has been fixed in their breasts, as the holy Quran states: "they are apparent signs that are in the chest of those who are given the science.”
The lack of difference in the science of Imam
Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: My father circled around the Kaaba. However, a man named Elias took him aside and began to talk with him. Elias said I am going to ask you something and I wish you do not answer me against what is in your heart.
Imam answered: this is the act of those who have two sciences in their heart and two different dimensions. And certainly God did not want that his science would be different (namely the science of God is not different and the science of Imam is a branch of divine science so it is not different.)
Elias said: who has the science in which no disagreement exists?”
Imam (peace be upon him) said: that science is a general science and general science belongs to God, but what the people must know belongs to the heirs of God.”
Elias said: You believe that the common science in which no disagreement exists belongs to the heirs of God, tell how they know it?”
Imam (peace be upon him) said: by the same way that the holy Prophet ( peace be upon him and his progeny) knew it, except that the heirs of holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) cannot see what they see, because he was a prophet and they are the narrators, he entered the shrine of God and he could hear the revelation but they cannot hear them.”
Elias said: “tell me why this science is not clear to the public, as it was revealed to the Prophet. Imam told him: “The almighty God do not want the public know his science except those who has passed the divine examination. As the holy prophet faced so many difficulties and he had been ordered to be patient on them and do not fight with the unbelievers unless God permit him and he did it until he was ordered to reveal the order of God and fight the polytheists.”
Then Imam said:” there was no dispute in what the holy prophet taught and those who claim they act according to the verdict of God but there is dispute in their verdict, in fact they protest the holy prophet and they have not learned the science from the holy Prophet and they know the Koran interpretation just due to those who are firm in science namely those there is no dispute in their knowledge. This knowledge belonged to holy prophet and after him Imam Ali peace be upon him had this knowledge. Some say that holy prophet has not determined his successor but this is not true because if he had not chosen the next successor then he had spoiled all future generations. Allameh Majlesi has written on the explanation of this hadith: the following questions are raised:
- Is it possible that the science that holy prophet has brought for guidance of people and he claims that this science is heavenly to include contrast and difference, so that about one case, two opposing sentence or statement have been mentioned?
The first alternative is void because it is impossible that there is contradiction in terms of God since Him himself has said: "if this Quran was not for Allah, you will find so many contradictions in it”, so the latter is fixed. The science of prophet has been received from God and there is no contradiction in the word of God so there is no contradiction in the science of prophet because one who lies is either disable or ignorant or obliged and none of these three is correct about God.
- Does anyone whose decree is controversial, his sentence work in favor or against the messenger of God's decree.
The first alternative is void, because the sentence of prophet is not controversial and the latter is fixed.
- If the decree of the Messenger of Allah is not controversial, is it possible for someone who has set the sentence, considers the sentence without receiving from God or not? - The first alternative is void and the latter is fixed.
- Whether the true interpretation of similarities belongs to anyone except God and those who are firm in science and their science is not controversial or not? The first alternative is void, because God says the interpretation of similarities belongs to God and those who are firm in science and those who agree with the messenger of God are those whose decree is not controversial and they should receive it from God and they should know the true interpretation of similarities.
-whether the holy prophet who was firm in science and knew all similarities brought his science by his death and he did not teach his science to his successor or he taught it to his successor?
The first alternative is void because it requires spoiling the next-generation and second one is fixed.
-whether the successor of holy prophet is like other usual people and he can make mistake and he has different decrees or he is approved by God and like the holy prophet his successor also sentences without any mistake he is connected with God through angel and in a way except revelation and he just does not have the position of prophet?
The first alternative is void, because it cannot meet the nation's competence in guiding and directing and the difference between sentences and spoiling of generation will be necessary, then the latter is fixed.
Then, after the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) there should be a successor who is firm in science, aware of the interpretation of similarities and approved by God, infallible in mistake and contrast in judgment and science so he would be the proof on people and the aim is the same.
Lack of task in the science of Imam
About the Science of Imam (peace be upon him) this question is mentioned that why Imam Ali (peace be upon him) who knew that he will be killed and he knew his murderer and he knew the time of his martyrdom why he went to the mosque and Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) who knew that Moaviyeh does not fulfill his promises and the Shiites will kill his father so why he made peace with him and why Imam Hussein peace be upon him went to Kufa while he knew no one will help him and he will be killed in this trip and why he did not dig a well in Karbala not to be died of thirst.
Sheikh Mofid replies that the claim of consensus is that it is not true to say that Imam know what is happening to him and Shiite consensus is that Imam knows the decree of whatever happens not that he knows the events in detail, hence, all these questions' foundation crumbles. It may be possible that Imam knows the events by God but there is no proof or reason that Imam knows everything. But about Imam Ali (peace be upon him) who knew his murderer and knew its time, according to news, Imam knew the event briefly and he knew the killer but there is no reason that Imam (peace be upon him) knew the time of his martyrdom and if there is a tradition about it no objection is valid, because it may Imam (as) should wait upon his testimony and the murder to reach a high position without which it is not possible.
In this case, it should not be told that he has put himself into destruction and has helped to his death.
But about the peace of Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) with Moaviyeh, it is another word and it is this that Imam knew that Moaviyeh does not fulfill his pledge, but he had no other choice except peace, because if he did not make peace with him, he and his companions would be killed in a battle with Moaviyeh and the issue of religion and people would be destroyed, and the situation would be much worse than the situation that arose as a result of peace with Moaviyeh. but about Imam Hussein peace be upon him, we do not accept that he knew that the people of Kufa would lie him or he knew the place of water underground and he did not dig a well because there is no rational reason for this and even if he knew it the answer is the same we told above about Imam Ali peace be upon him.
Allameh Majlesi narrates from Allameh Helli: it is possible that Imam Ali peace upon him knew the event of murder on that night or he knew its place but his task was different from out task and may be an expedient that he gives his live for God. He then writes: word of Sheikh Mofid is based on probabilities and it is not definitive and clear, perhaps in protest dilemma, he was forced to deny the tenets of religion, like that Imam Hussein peace upon him did not know the trick of Kufa people, and he did not know that he is killed in Karbala, It must be said that sometimes the condition of jihad is the possibility of victory. And if the power of Islam is less than half the power of enemy, jihad obligation is void and the duty is retreating. And sometimes jihad is for dedication of life in the way of faith and truth to save the religion of God in any way. the infallible Imam is aware in his sacred way and when the time obliges him, he will give his life in the way of God and truth and this is one of the greatest positions of testimony and understanding the real happiness and not killing himself.
Imam knows when he dies and his death is in his possession, namely he steps on the eve of martyrdom and sacrifice willingly, and he fulfills his responsibility.
The most difficult understanding of the science of Imam (peace upon him) Imam Sadiq peace be upon him told Abu Basir said: “O Abu Muhammad, there is a secret and a science unto us from God and swear by God no angel or prophet or a believer who has been examined by his faith, can sustain it. God has ordered us to take and tell it to others and we will promote it by God, but we found no place and no people or carrier to get it and understand it or tolerate it so that God create people from the same mud that Mohammad(peace be upon him and his progeny) and his family and his descendants had been created and to create them from the light that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) and his descendants had been created and so make them his grace and mercy that Muhammad (peace be upon him) had been made. And we will tell them what we are allowed and they will accept, tolerate and understand it. And the secrets of divine science that we told them was accepted and understood by them.
The issue of the difficulty of tradition and its intolerance and lack of understanding can be considered of several aspects: It is possible that tradition is about the supernatural science and facts that material science does not know anything about it or it cannot be analyzed by test and it cannot be examined with the formulas of chemistry and physics. And it cannot be shown as a solved and scientific material.
We can say that all religious issues are like this and these issues start from the existence of God and his descriptions and it ends to prophecy issue (the unseen relation with God) and Imamate and death and resurrection day and paradise and hell. The materialists say: the real truth and knowledge is subject to one that is analyzed in laboratories and they can be understood with chemical and physical formulas and there is no truth and no science except these. the answer to this theory is that the issues of source, prophecy, Imamate and velayat are beyond the understanding of human being and beyond the chemical formulas and laboratory tools and it is not possible to enter the depth of these issues because whatever can measure should be greater and it is true from the material view point too and if an issue or subject is understandable for humans so the capacity of that human is greater than the fact. But the human understanding cannot even surround all material issues like the issue of space that is yet unknown and human could not understand whether there is a limitation for space or not. And the issue of genesis of life in material or the issue of the main fact of material and energy and whether they are one or two and which one is the cause and which one is the effect.
The second aspect is the difference due to the level of human understanding and lack of compatibility of high facts with low understandings so today humans are divided in to hundreds groups and levels and each of them can understand the truth to some extent and the facts that are higher than their understanding does not exist for them, however, they may see the effects of it, and understand a glimpse and know that there is such a thing.
In these traditions, understanding the facts behind the matter is special for great and developed thought that some are naturally pure, because the soul of the angels and the prophets and infallible Imams had passed the examination and can understand it, and other people can try to believe it just by observing the effects of miracles.
in other part he paid attention to a more delicate point and states: Every individual human has an intellect and perception and understanding of its own and as the physical appearance of each individual is unique, so his spiritual nature is the same; for example, Salman has a position of understanding the facts that Abuzar did not have and if Salman delivered what he understood to Abuzar, he could not understand it and he considered Salman an infidel.
This means that if Salman told Abuzar some levels of knowledge of God and the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) and Imams, he did not understand and considered it a lie and a heresy or, and if he had said it was carrying on witchcraft and he killed Salman or he manifest it and it became a cause for the murder of Salman.
Imam Ali (peace upon him) said: O Abuzar, if Salman tell you what he knows you will tell God blesses the killer of Salman. Salman is the door of God on earth and whoever knows him is a believer and whoever denies him is an unbeliever. Salman belongs to our family and Salman himself has told in a lecture: “I have been granted a high science to me and if I say all whatever I know, some will say that I am crazy and other will say Lord, forgive the murderer of Salman.”
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