Tuesday, April 24, 2018 4:42:41 PM
Religion and the state

One of the crucial questions which is available in the domain of language and theology, and regarded as language principals and that of religious government is that religion, because of its universality , has law and rule and has been sent to manage social affairs.

Does it have , in addition to law and decree any administrative organ? Or only it merely defines the rules and orders and its administrative agent is people and tradition so, to answer this Question ,there are many different comments.
The separation of religion and the state : one of the contemporary writers writes
The government and managing govermental issues which mean the daily life of the people , security and their economical system and also consider minor issues and variables which is continuosly changing. The other says, it is the right, religion of Islam of Caliphate they represent is innocent so, substituition doesn’t have any tendency to religion as well as destiny and other issues which is out of the government's duties . Religion in this regard neither has any recommendation nor prohibition but, given them to the man himself so that organize them according to wisdom, national experiences and political rules . one of the writers writes : the right is that this aspect of government is a rational aspect, it means that the the local intellectuals must meet ,and altogether, organize the government in terms of managing the disciplines as they organize the problems related to their sanitary and remedy however; the fitness of organization affairs is related to the amount of the current knowledge it means that surely, unwise people will have unsuccessful life and their rational contrivance will be inefficient and more knowledgeable men and sophisticated ones are undoubtedly more successful. Politic and government from the trader's point of view is like a shephard and gardening that Islam given them to the people, themselves. As he doesn’t have any plan in gardening and pasturing, so does for politics. They say no mind that divine religions have not been recommended campaigning oppressors , justice and harnessing the nations but, ideology ,rules and particular teachings have not been trained, too. One of the most important discussing issues regarding religion , learning and not learning of Islam's teachings is related to government and community management. The issue of Islam's relation and government can be discussed from some aspect and have divided to some parts. A group, completely have rejected the issue of politics and goverment and has said that religion is just for conduction and religious happiness and is unrelated to this issue it is not mean that government must not be formed and Islamic community to be without government and rules but, its regiment and circumistances is something rational that the Muslims , because they are as other elites, in accordance with their time and place conditions , choose a government. When the religion aims to discuss issue of ruling and its circumistances in fact, has battled its eternity , universality and has refused it. Generally there are two important approaches regarding relation of religious government which needed to be discussed. This group of the Muslim's writers believes that religion in the domain of government and politics has no programme and recommendation , religious teachings are away from planing govermental patterns, organizing relations and social occations and to prove their theory, they document to the verses of Holy Quran and the prophet's customs.
Reasons of religion and government separation:
One of the advocates of this theory ( religious and government separation) by investigating the signs to them Ahl Sonnat reasons it to authorize Caliphate system and religious government and they conclude that Caliphate has no stem in holy Quran as well as the Verses of Holy Quran, Caliphate is not undrestood and used as Islamic political system. Custom can also proves the system of Caliphate and destroys the consensus so, to prove their theory , they have reasoned to verses of Holy Quran and claimed that Holy Quran has taken religious duty of the Prophet and says; As you saw Quran is evident , Holy Prophet is people's retensive and represents them and he is not oppressive to them and he is not allowed to force them convert to Islam so, in addition to the Holy Quran's signs the reason to which the advocates of religion and government separation argue is Holy Prophet's custom. Despite the fact that the practical method and current tradition of Holy Prophet is based on forming government and owning administrative affairs of Islamic Government , establishing discipline , civil security and keeping the country's borders as well as international relations , is the best evidence of Hoky Prophet's political leadership and religion's interference in in government as well as its reconciliation so, while they have accepted the Muslim's general stability as well as their logical and true undrestanding of politics and government, repeat the government of Holy Prophet has been a part of that Prophet's schedule of prophesy and we can consider what means by his recommendations as compatible with consensus with all the Muslim's comments. Despit of this confess, he has rejected the government and the state of Holy Prophet and writes "the Prophet's province on his religion is a type of divine province".
Criticism and investigation: this theory has faced various questions and has received criticism for example, we can say forming government , establishement of justice and fair among people , has been considered as the main issues of the Prophets' goals. The divine Prophets ,when started their Prophesy, were going to the palace of pharaoh and invited them to justice development and avoiding oppression and their main reason of the governers' conflict with divine Prophets has been political disagreement not believing. One of the other advocates of religion and government's separation says " when we look at Holy Quran, we observe avoiding of governance and or majesty by the Holy Prophet , Mohamad, and some of the Jew Prophets have not been generalized to all Prohets, despite the large amount of the none-rulling prophets, it is considering a specific issue and mainly prophesy and governance are two quite separate base or different unmixed foundation and in which peace and consulting with people are intensely prohibited and reproved. Since religion and prophesy are important, the Prophets were not allowed to interfere by their own undrestanding, experience,and their decision but, when the issue of managing nation and world is mentioned law and order become crucial.
Criticism and investigation:
the writer of the current work as thinking about separation of religion and government, have accepted the government of the prophets as an specific and mineral issue. Now the question is that were those prophets who tried to form an Islamic government believing in necessity of religious government ? and did they know them in the process of prophesy and part of their prophesy's goals ? and for the rest of the prophets , if the way of forming Islamic government provided, did they try to to form a government? So, in the process of prophesy and the goal of plummeting inspiration and prophesy of divine prophets, there is no difference and those who did not form government the way was not provided for them.
In addition to their job which is forming government was ouside the circle of prophesy and without the necessity of forming a religious government ,they tried to form government and did a meaningless job and now that the second option is not compatible with purity of divine prophets and cancelation against knowledge is not done by the Prophets thus, forming a religious government by the prophets is at the context of the religious teachings and has not considered an specific issue out of prophesy domain. They have considered regiment and prophesy as two separate issue which is not able to be mixed so, because the prophesy has divine derivation and must be selected by God and government has source of custom so, the ruler chosen by people. Now, the question is that first, if the government and prophesy is not combined why it has happened for some prophets? and this combination of prophesy only in one reason is a reason for its possiblity therefore, religion and government have no compatibility and can be combined and secondly it must be investigated based on the basis that what is the base of the government's legalization ? if we have had an Omanistic outlook and give right of reigning people then, we should not relate this issue to the religion and label the Prophets and if we had a monotheism outlook the reigning is God's and God , for having administrative affairs and validating religious recommendations have appointed those who are the same prophets.
The Prophet's government from Holy Quran's point of view :
When it is looked and pondered over the signs of Holy Quran , it introduces Quran and different governments with different legitimations such as the Government of Saba princess who had democratic legitimacy as well as Solaiman's Prophet who had divine lgitimacy neverthless, Holy Quran's verses is used in a way that some of the divine Prophets who tried forming government and for some of the divine Prophets the way of government reform has not been prepared so, it is not mean they didn’t believe in necessity of forming religious government. Prophet Solaiman are out of the Prophets who forms government and his battle with Bolgais causes her to be dethroned and surrendered to Solaiman. So, According to the bellow verse, when Hazrat Solaiman invites Princess of Saba she refrains and instead sends a present for him so, Hazrat Solaiman, says to her representative" you help me with finance, what God has given me is better than what given you and then, it is you who are happy with your gift not me so, in another verse, " they return to them and we will come to them by a corps and they can not campaign and we sends them out by inferiority and contempt. The above verse evidently expresses that a Prophet like Solaiman when finds the conditions provided, to achieve it, moves by all his power. Josef, Also, has considered as the Prophets who, on the condition of economic ministry could have win governmental position so, it is in Holy Quran that says: He said to choose me as your economic ministry and also the Prophet Daivid are considered as prophets to whom God had endowed a huge regiment and territory therefore, Holy Quran says: we stabilized his terittory and gave him fair government and leadership. One of the the current writers , writes " regarding the fact that how many of the prophets have formed government we can not talk in detail but, we can understand from some verses that they were going to form the government however; due to inappropriate conditions, they did not succeeded so, to prove this issue we can point to some verses.
A: the 25th verse of Surah of Hadid determines the goal of the Prophet's Prophesies social Justice and there is no doubt that without forming government we can create justice in the society.
B: the 36th verse of Nahl Surah which defines the goal of the Prophets as inviting to theism and fighting dictatorship so, undoubtedly, it is by forming the government that we can overcome all universal dictators and keep theism in all its dimensions as well as social and individual life of people.
C: the verses order the Prophets to walk strongly as well as confidently in order to achieve their goals for example Hey Yahya take this book strongly
D: the existance of social rules among the methods of Prophets and others such as proscribing the prohibits and ordering to the goods which is not administrative without government forming therefore, by a chain of rules and social duties we can undrestand logical reasons in which the Prophets were going to form a government and of course, some succeeded and some, due to inappropriate situation, did not succeeded.
Regarding valuable verses sent about the prophet's government – some of them are evident about the necessity of the government and some of them also reason obligatorily about the government's requirement – no longer the following discussions is not acceptable by traders. Whatever is not seen in any of the chapters or Surahs is that it is said (by God) we sent it so that teaches you lesson of government,economy, management or reforming of the world's life and community but, generally it has been called that you, in your relations, try justice and charity , help and reform and till you didn’t do the righteous acts , you will never enter the heaven. We must ask the prophets who has formed the government how do they justify their governmental plan and how the verses received about Velayat , government and obeying the Prophet will be reasoned therefore, in the next chapter we will investigate that how the Quran's titles contain political and governmental discussions. So, forming and requirement of religious government exists in the context of religious teachings and hence, connecting the Holy Quran's concepts and sending inspiration to the last world , God and separation of prophesy is not acceptable and has not derived from religious texts however; religious teachings and the Prophet's politic as well as government is proved contrary to this claim.
D: Government and religion's combination
According to the most religious scholars and the intelectuals of ( whether Shia or Sonni ) ruling is in the context of religious teachings so, Hazrat Imam says in this concern; the issue is issue of government ,the issue of policy so, the justice of regiment is policy and it is all the meaning of policy. The great God shouldered this responsibility to Imam Ali by the Holy Prophet as the prophet , himself, had policy and the government without policy is not possible and generally this policy is unified with policy and was proven on the day of Gadir for Imam Ali therefore, God has invented government for Hazrat Ali and this government means policy and combination with policy so, people found to say religion is the results of the issues , policy the results of government and it means that we blame Gode ,His prophet and Imam Ali because, the government is policy not praying . Ruling is not praying and fasting and those who claim that religion and policy are separate, in fact, have rejected God , His Prophet and the Imams.
E: The reasons of religion and government combination
The reasons of government and religion's combination from Imam Khomeini's point of view is that by rationalism , thinking power and religions' requirements the goal of prophesy and the duty of the Prophets is not just talking about religious issues and it is not in a way that for example religious obligations have been handed to the Prophet by inspiration and he, ( the Prophet) , Hazrat Ali and other Imams to be the messengers of God who transfere the issues to the people honestly and the goal has been defined to evaluate their honesty in fact, the most important Prophets' duty is establishment of a fair social system by rule administration which by teaching these rules and divine beliefs have relation. As it is evident in the meaning of this verse: The goal of Prophesies is that people , based on fair social relation, can be organized and and this is possible by forming government and rule administration so, whether the Prophet himself form a state or his followers can establish social fair system. Hazrat Imam considers the goal of the Prophesy and the method of religious leaders as a reason for necessity of government establishment and believes that the main goal of the Prophets, in addition to teaching religious duties, is implementing them, too so the Prophets were not (may be as their main goal) Mufti if they were , no longer it was required that they revolute against dictators.
The continuous necessity of the religious regulations : another reason that can be mentioned to prove religion and government's association is byond the time religious obligations. The obligations and rules that has been invented in holy religion of Islam has not been specific to the that prophet's era but, is permenant so, Hazrat Imam says about this : It is evident that the necessity of the rule's implementation that has created the necessity for the Prophets' ruling is not specific to the time of that Prophet and continues after his death , too so, according to this verse , the Islamic rules are not limited to the time and place but, is applicable in all the time. These rules have not been sent to be used just in the time of the Prophet and then, after that being forgotten, so, sentencing means rule and penalty of Islam is not being obeyed , the requirement taxes not to be taken or defending Islamic zone is being avoided. This idea that the Islamic rules are avoideable and limited to the place and time, is against the believing requirements of Islam henceforth, since implementing Islamic rules after the holy Prophet is necessary for ever it is necessary to form government and establishe an administrative system. We, by continuous administration of divine rules , obtain necessary achievement forming the state and it shows integration of religion and the government on political thought of Islam so, if religious government which is the owner of divine rules is not existed so, the socio-political aspect are forgotten. In order the socio-political rules of Islam to be performed and the law system of Islam in the domain of individual life to be continuous, political system which is the agent of the Islam's administrative rules is formed by an infallable Islamic expert ( on the time of the absence a fair Islamic expert).
Islamic defensive rules and political system: The second reason which can be mentioned for integration of religion and government is defensive rules of Islam which has been created in relation with keeping Islamic system and supporting the country's independence so, Hazrat Imam says in this regard ; from other point of view the rules which is about keeping the system of Islam and defending land integrity as well as Islam's independence , portend the necesssity of the government establishment, for example, this command which is predicated to preparedness and permanent security and care during peace period and whenever the Muslims obey this and by reforming Islamic government tried widespread preparation, the jews did not dare to occupy our lands and destroy our Jerusalem and all and all is that the Muslims have not moved to implement the God's command and have not formed a fair regiment. So from Hazrat Imam Khomeini's point of view and most religious thinkers , religion and the state are intertwined, and the social rules of Islam is just applicable in a religious government so, if the government establishes based on the available critarion, social justice,public security and religious culture will be spread in the society and as result oppression, insecurity and corruption will be prevented. Under the shadow of religious government the features like temper ,virtue and humanistic values are believed . if religion , government and power is not been implemented ,the Islamic rules will be forgotten and this means fading religious values. A religion which is the last of the religions and its perpetuity has been proven by Holy Quran and certainly it has an order for administrative instituition which is the same government.


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