In a country like Iran with its ancient historical background and people with feel high level of understanding that is special to the eastern as well as creating deep ideological developments, in recent decades, assign this responsibility on the shoulders of every citizen that took a step although a short one, in line with the growing cultural movements of community. I also, in turn, respect this duty so that I have had a serious look at theater for children and adolescents .though unfinished. Children's art in the arts status has an uncertain position but nevertheless, we can not deny the children's art. Therefore it is our duty that steps in the direction of more growth, prosperity and fertility of the children and adolescents and educating and training of the kids. In general, the child's world is a mysterious one that we can uncover it if we look carefully. Here, it has been tried that a general study to be conducted on various aspects of children's art. Now, there are problems to advance this goal that has made the author to raised serious questions of his audience whether holding festivals even if they are done well were unfortunately not more spark that quickly turned off or, while the generation of community manufacturer are the young population and forming their character of young people depends on the education and health of children and adolescents so, is it not better to fix the main and fundamental duties on the shoulders of this generation or unfortunately, we are unaware of the development of theater of children and adolescents in the world because there is no such an organization to be in charge of this in Iran and in proportion to the importance and necessity of child and adolescents' role in the structure of society in terms of scientific research and research has not been formed and this make the events of the world around us as a result of researches and investigation usually bereft from audible and not visual devices especially media arts. Whatever in Iranian culture and tradition which not scientifically but also practically that in the form of kids and teens' plays, could have a significant role in education, credibility and responsibility of the teenagers that unfortunately has been forgotten and we not only have not created a suitable alternative for them but also developed the kid with a different mentality and alien to the culture and traditions and even their nationality and unfortunately, visual media are moving toward disbelief and lack of confidence and even in some cases, they try to alienate children from the culture and originality and we see the children's role in these media quite ineffective. However, when the visual media that can play a crucial role in culture and education unfortunately, moves in the opposite direction and opposite to it and despite the fact that we are in the third millennium, we do not still have correct classification of the game fitting to the children's ages.
Now we should know that children usually have a fresh and creative mind so, they try to break the unknown dimensions.
- Theater, at all stages of life, even in old age can be an effective means of spiritual confidence and about children we can say that for their mental and intellectual development is very effective and useful instrument.
- The aim of teaching kid' theater is not teaching theater to the kid but it has completely psychological and educational goals.
- In analyzing the Children works, the work base should be based on conditions and social life and just using this way we can reveal that what the role of the experiences are in their mind and their work.
- The child does not censor himself and frankly states what is in his or he mind
- Denunciation and mistake about understanding a kid play makes the first censorship in children's lives.
- Adults try to teach what have experienced to the children but the kid unsettles them with their own personal experiences.
- As children need love, comfort, encouragement and punishment other than physical punishment, understanding social problems for him is such requirement.
- Any child who can not easily express his or her feelings and in his speech expresses fear and shame and afraid of work and for communicating with his family and other children does not show any tendency, so, he or she will become shy and isolated. Children play an important role in education and the individual lifestyle, social behavior and training and law of education, regulations, ethics training and changing of demands and establishing good habits. The play teaches child that life is not always wining, but sometimes is with along with losing. So, the child should not be discouraged but he should move and resumes new activities.
Now, it must be said that the main task of an cognizant artist is choosing growing movements in the art and the central role of the artist is not speaking the truth in society, but the artist should step in the realm of their thought and toward crushing the realities. In other words, the real attitudes in children 's play by adults is imposed on them that this type of insight has no relationship with the child's inner personality and therefore, surveying on the children's play except by psychoanalysis and psychological science follow ill results. Eliminating Children's feeling may end to nervous diseases and the importance of the thought outcomes also depends on the individual's class and every kid should be allowed to think independently. Keep in mind that learning and innovation of the children is not just the duty of the play but a large number of children through games and drawings and their toys are drawing the future. For example, girls with their dolls depict beautiful future for their own life. So, in choosing a play , we should request the kid, himself or herself to comment and never do we impose our comment on her. Many of the teachers are trying to use the time dedicated to this lesson " art" as a make-up time for other lessons fallen behind such as mathematic, physic and so no. on the other hand, the parents view it as a fun or passing their free time and do not pay attention to the value and importance of this course. However, if the play was as important as other lessons or the parents regarded it at home then, not only it helped kids to develop but also, helped to improve other courses, as well. Investigating theater and understanding it causes the reflection of needs, growing thoughts and gaining many experiences.
Kid's theater helps us to enter into their privacy and understand about their feelings and shortcomings so that we can better plan for answering their demands and true way of expressing their needs
- We can understand and evaluate the kid of his surrounding problems as well as the people around him or her
- We can understand their mentality so that we can prepare a bed for development of their creativity.
- We can find the kid's internal depressions and by recognition of its cause , we try that by resolving it , we help our kid when they reveal their problems to us after watching the play and they would feel more secure and calm.
However, using the art of play and particularly kid and the teenagers' play, we depict all the lines and ways considered by the kids to them and draw them and then in respect to their tendency, desires, and their wishes we depict a true way for his present and future that is shaping the kid's individual and social personality. In fact, whatever we have recognized and have found about the kid , deliver back to him or her scientifically and systematically and now their cooperation and their role is need to be regarded. Actually, it is a complete and mutual relationship that has been shaped, completed and implemented in the way