Sunday, June 24, 2018 11:47:57 AM
Baghdadi’s cousin and Daesh leaders killed in Syria

The Iraqi Air Force carried out a strategic bombing, Saturday that targeted the Daesh’s command meeting in Syria.

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, their F-16 bombers targeted a Daesh central command meeting that was being held in eastern Syria this weekend.

The F-16 bombers annihilated the entire building where the meeting was held, killing more than 45 Daesh’s terrorists and their leaders.

Among the Daesh terrorists that were killed this weekend was the cousin of the group’s infamous leader and founder Ibrahim Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

This targeted bombing is another major blow to the terrorist group this week, as their first symbolic loss took place at Tal Safouk.

Tal Safouk was where the leaders of the Daesh first announced the start of their so-called ‘caliphate’ in both Iraq and Syria.

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