Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:11:51 AM
Will Trump’s right-wing ideology conquer Europe?

Few people thought that Donald Trump’s right-wing and racist ideology in the US, based on building a ‘White America,’ would attract so many serious and strong followers and supporters within European states and even the incumbent governments of the EU member states.

Apparently, by his skillful focus on the issue of colored immigrants and their negative impacts on Europe, Trump has found an effective way to cause a schism and split among the EU member countries. Such a schism can, as of now, prepare the ground for the weakening and dissolution of the EU.

From the moment the Italian right-wing parties came to power in May, Trump has created, in complete concord with his right-wing partners in Austria and Germany, a new, organized and strong campaign against immigrants to Europe, the impacts and consequences of which have endangered the future of a united Europe.

At present, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer’s stubbornness and resistance in the face of Angela Merkel’s open-door policies toward migrants, have seriously caused Germany’s coalition government to be faced with the risk of collapse.

Using “Twitter diplomacy,” on a daily basis, Trump is offering his official support, overtly and covertly, for European right-wing forces and doing everything he can to facilitate their ascension to power across Europe. The conspicuous support voiced by US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell for right-wing parties all over Europe is a vivid example of US efforts to promote such policies.

At present, analyzing Trump’s policies praxeologically and psychologically, it can be concluded that the nature and essence of Trumpism is based more on a deep ideology, as well as a racist and purposeful strategy, at the international level than simply his businessman-like character and personal psychological complexes.

The truth is that Trump’s idea of adopting racist policies is not limited to the US.  By pursuing such policies, which have universal roots, he is striving for global goals. That is why ‘American Nazism’ is the best term to describe Trump’s racist ideology. One must not overlook the fact that most of Trump’s theorists and ideologues, whose ideas form the primary layer of his mind, such as Stephen Miller, who was behind the new US border policy of forcibly separating young migrant children from their parents, have a racist ideology and seek to exercise full sovereignty over the entire world.

Trump’s racist ideology which has been adopted based on extremist Christian and Zionist thoughts, beliefs and ideas, is aimed at changing the international system, structure and order in its favor. That is why the strategies Trump adopts toward the international community are mainly aimed at destroying the present system of international structures and treaties in favor of translating his ‘America First’ slogan into action. Trump is not afraid of conspicuously chanting the slogan and undertaking efforts to make his dream come true.

Currently, against the international community’s inclinations, Trump has managed to attract and mobilize a large and increasing number of organized supporters inside and outside the US. He says he can revolutionize the global political system and world’s economy in favor of the US, relying on the slogan of ‘America First’.

Now, given the recent developments in Europe regarding migration to the continent, which have provoked widespread disputes between France, Italy and Austria on one side, and Poland, Hungary and Germany on the other, and has led to the coming to power of right-wing parties, the question is whether Europe is capable of retaining its integrity in the face of Trump’s aggressive policies, or will it gradually weaken and dissolve?

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