1. Al-Quran [that which is recited]
2. Al-Kitab [written down]
3. Kareem [most noble]
4. KalamAllah [speech of Allah]
5. Nur [ light in amidst a world of darkness]
6. Huda [guidance away from the path of misguidance]
7. Rahmah [mercy from Him]
8. Al-Furqan [Criterion to distinguish right from wrong – if you do not have you can do]
9. Shifaâ [cure for the diseases of the Heart like doubt, hypocrisy, etc]
10. Dhikr [the best way of Reminding oneself about Allah, Akhirah, Haqq]
11. Mubarak [blessed]
12. Hakeem [full of Wisdom]
13. Hablillah [Rope of Allah – without which you will drown]
14. Sirat al-Mustaqeem [It is the Straight Path]
15. Ahsan al-Hadeeth [Best of speech]
16. Ruh [it is the source of life to the heart [spiritually]
17. AmrAllah [from the commands of Allah]
18. Majeed [honoured]
19. Basheer [gives good news]
20. Nadheer [warns of bad events to happen to those who turn away]