Tuesday, July 3, 2018 9:14:27 PM
What are the different names Allah gives to the Quran?

Allah the Exalted has mentioned many attributes to His book within the book itself, and each of those attributes tells us something unique about the Quran, helping us know it better. The more you know about a person’s attributes, the better you know them and the more your love for them increases. Is the Quran any different? Quran will come to you in the guise of a person and will intercede on behalf of you on the Day of Judgment.

1. Al-Quran [that which is recited]
2. Al-Kitab [written down]
3. Kareem [most noble]
4. KalamAllah [speech of Allah]
5. Nur [ light in amidst a world of darkness]
6. Huda [guidance away from the path of misguidance]
7. Rahmah [mercy from Him]
8. Al-Furqan [Criterion to distinguish right from wrong – if you do not have you can do]
9. Shifaâ [cure for the diseases of the Heart like doubt, hypocrisy, etc]
10. Dhikr  [the best way of Reminding oneself about Allah, Akhirah, Haqq]
11. Mubarak [blessed]
12. Hakeem [full of Wisdom]
13. Hablillah [Rope of Allah – without which you will drown]
14. Sirat al-Mustaqeem [It is the Straight Path]
15. Ahsan al-Hadeeth [Best of speech]
16. Ruh [it is the source of life to the heart [spiritually]
17. AmrAllah [from the commands of Allah]
18. Majeed [honoured]
19. Basheer [gives good news]
20. Nadheer [warns of bad events to happen to those who turn away]

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