Wednesday, July 4, 2018 7:40:49 AM
Hadiths of Imam Ali(AS)/ Be Like a Camel in Disturbance

Ḥadīth in Islam refers to the record of the words, actions, and the silent approval, of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Within Islam the authority of Ḥadīth as a source for religious law and moral guidance ranks second only to that of the Qur'an (which Muslims hold to be the word of Allah revealed to his messenger Prophet Muhammad).

Amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, said: During civil disturbance be like an adolescent camel 1 who has neither a back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking.

1. قَال(عليه السلام): كُنْ فِي الْفِتْنَةِ كَابْنِ اللَّبُونِ ، لاَ ظَهْرٌ فَيُرْكَبَ، وَلاَ ضَرْعٌ فَيُحْلَبَ.

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